psycho wrote:denizaksulu wrote:psycho wrote:denizaksulu wrote:psycho wrote:denizaksulu wrote:psycho wrote:denizaksulu wrote:psycho wrote:denizaksulu wrote:psycho wrote:SSBubbles wrote:* bel*eve *t *s my ho*our? to select *ext weeks' letters
Well, * choose (as from M*d**ght) the letters D and O.
Just for a* added tw*st, o* Wed*esday - a*d O*LY WED*ESDAY - please add the letter T to the two above!!![]()
De**z a*d me are do*e for
Hmmm. * w*ll depe*d o* you to rem**d me. Accord**g to B, my memory *s l*ke a s*eve.
Do*'t worry my frie*d we'll be f**eBes*des Bubbles w*ll be too busy w*th her *ew game
You have me worr*ed *ow. You two are cook**g someth**g. * wo*der what?
Do*'t worry, us me* *eed to st*ck together, after all we are the o*ly 2 me* i* th*s game
Sorry, * prefer to st*ck w*th w*m**. * am stra*ght. *oth**g aga**st 'the u*straIght'.
Ok fa*r e*ough
* s*mply k*ew *t. You eve* embolde* the offe*d**g letters. * do*t th**k * can trust you.![]()
*f * d*d*'t then you k*ow who would have
* expect that from He*l Bubbles, but *ot from yourself.![]()
*o golf today? or do you have a LT o* your golf-buggy?
Because *'m *ot dr*nk**g th*s week a*d next * thought *t was best to stay away from the golf club, * m*ght get lead astray
Y*u can say that again!