psycho wrote:Bubble 'n' squeak wrote:psycho wrote:Bubble 'n' squeak wrote:psycho wrote:Bubble 'n' squeak wrote:psycho wrote:SSBubbles wrote:psycho wrote:I'm back. I b*t you all thought I ha* kill** th* moth*r in law,nothing as *rastic as that..... Y*t.
Having a bit of troubl* with int*rn*t conn*ction
W* ha* you p*rman*ntly down th* pub though!
Y*p - watching som* t*am call** Anorthasis playing Int*r.
Wh*r*'s B & S?
Im h*r*Hi Psycho an* **niz
B**n watching footy
No I hav* b**n watching Liv*rpool
So was I. Th* bar I'm in ha* th* Anorthasis gam* on an* th* Liv*rpool gam*. - Lucky Liv*rpool, I *on't think it was a p*nalty, G*rrad jump** at th* oth*r play*r
Im not sur* about th* p*naltyBut w* shoul* hav* ha* two p*nalti*s *arli*r in th* gam*!!
But i'll tak* th* point
I can't wait for th* Toon to tak* 3 points off th* Pool
K**p *r*aming