denizaksulu wrote:
A v*ry BIG myst*ry. What *o you know about h*r?[/quote]
Sh* lik*s L/Pool (an* a *rink - obviously

SSBubbles wrote:denizaksulu wrote:
A v*ry BIG myst*ry. What *o you know about h*r?
denizaksulu wrote:SSBubbles wrote:denizaksulu wrote:
A v*ry BIG myst*ry. What *o you know about h*r?
Sh* lik*s L/Pool (an* a *rink - obviously)
psycho wrote:I'm back. I b*t you all thought I ha* kill** th* moth*r in law,nothing as *rastic as that..... Y*t.
Having a bit of troubl* with int*rn*t conn*ction
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