Lee A Kada wrote:SSBubbles wrote:Lee A Kada wrote:Zorba wrote:Bubble 'n' squeak wrote:SSBubbles wrote:Zorba wrote:We away to H*ll,they co*ld go top if they *eat *s and if liverpool lose to Portsmo*th
H*ll? They are doing very well; who wo*ld have tho*ght that they wo*ld *e so high *p in their first season in the Premiership?!
It wont last!
Exactlytheir l*cky r*n ends tomorrow night
Phil *rown might have something to say a*o*t that
He does like to talk doesn't he! Geordies![]()
You going to tell *s how Leeds got on then please LAK?
*ollocks! Forgot they were playing So*thend. Forgotten the res*lt already
Goodnight all