Bubble 'n' squeak wrote:psycho wrote:Bubble 'n' squeak wrote:psycho wrote:denizaksulu wrote:Bubble 'n' squeak wrote:denizaksulu wrote:psycho wrote:Just got back from London, had a great afternoon on the lash can't remember the taboo letters![]()
Th*nk of the *omens *nst*tute.
*.e. '*' & '*'. OK?
Good morn*ng ALL.
Morn*ng D
G'day BandS, Aga*n.
Morn*ng all - my head hurts.
Morn*ng PsychoSelf *nfl*cted?
Yep, at the t*me *t seemed l*ke a good th*ng.
That's the trouble, *t al*ays does
.............and do you learn?

Bor*s has learnt not to b*te h*s ne* toy. The squeek terr*f*es h*m. He plays w*thout b*t*ng. *hat a good boy!! Bark, bark.