Dear Lana,
Please may I start using ‘F’s’ again, I am *inding it very *rustrating and di**icult to *orm a sentence without using this letter, words just don’t *low *luently.
Without this letter it has such a drastic e**ect on how you say something sentences become *arcical and you just can’t get the *acts across to *orum members.
I was *labbergasted to see why I have been singled out *or using this letter when lots o* other *orum members use it, it’s just not *air, every one make a *aux pas *rom time to time and I *ail to see why I am *orbid to use it.
Perhaps you can ban all *orum members every *riday *rom using this letter and see i* they can *unction.
Once again I apologise i* I have upset some *orum members but sometimes you just have to say what you mean.
Yours *aithfully,