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Language :: looking for penfriend from northern Cyprus

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Postby Agios Ionas » Fri Sep 05, 2008 11:53 am

DT. wrote:Do you realise the obscurity that is claimed that only a TC knows the history of the northern part of our island? Should that not have been corrected?

If a clueless person who think the 'TRNC' is (more or less) legitimate wants to know the history of the northern part of Cyprus... who would he seek contact with? Most likely someone living in the 'TRNC'. It's the only logical explanation for most people without knowledge about the Cyprus problem. You want to find out something about a 'country' and its history you find yourself someone from said 'country'.

Of course it's ok to correct what is wrong. But it could have been done with some more grace (I'm not saying you were particularly abusive towards Alain DT.).
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Postby Agios Ionas » Fri Sep 05, 2008 11:56 am

Paphitis wrote:Yes that is right. And that is why the whole world knows that 37% of The Republic of Cyprus is illegally occupied by Turkey, who then immediately ethnically cleansed 200,000 residents from their homes.

Alainluc should also read all UN Security Council Resolutions on Cyprus which confirms everything I say about the illegal occupation of Cyprus.

Dear Pahpitis... the whole world doesn't know. Governments do, but regular citizens don't. Those who do know, are those who have visited Cyprus, and actually invested time in finding out more about this wonderful island. And those with a special interest in the games and conspiracies of world politics. Common people with no ties to Cyprus whatsoever are more concerned about what to eat for dinner. Sad but true.
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Postby psycho » Fri Sep 05, 2008 11:58 am

Just a word of caution to everyone, take care. I hope that this topic and Alainluc is not collecting and disclosing "usernames, or passwords to other sites.
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Re: Language :: looking for penfriend from northern Cyprus

Postby halil » Fri Sep 05, 2008 7:15 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
halil wrote:
Alainluc wrote:hi

my name is Alain , I am french , 42 years and have a keen interest in northern cyprus ! it is so beautiful ! besides I am learning turkish(beginner !!) so would to combine both interest in finding a penfriend from Northern Cyprus and know better your wonderful country !

I like history , goind to movies , going out with friends , reading a lot etc etc

hope to hear from you very soon

will answer everybody

feel free to drop me some words at any time


you well come Alainluc ,

i will send u pm and u will get my mail address .

i am glad that u would like to know north cyprus . we can talk about north cyprus history , culture , interesting of place to visit , eating habits of people in north .

Halil Gardash, trust you to include eating among your topics. It should come with a health warning. :lol: Make sure you add garlic and onions to the discussions. :lol:


Deniz Gardaş ,
eating will be in culture .
by the way we already started our Turkish lessons with Alainluc .

i hope it will help him .

bad thing is i can not get my mails at home . some how i can not get them from work server to my private home wireless connection , i think time came , i must get account from hot-mail too .

it will be good for me as well , it will help to improve my english writing to .

oncemore again thanks Alainluc .
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Postby denizaksulu » Fri Sep 05, 2008 10:28 pm

Good for you Halil.

You could also learn some French too. :lol:
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Postby paliometoxo » Fri Sep 05, 2008 11:23 pm

et accueillir au forum ! j'espère que vous avez géré pour trouver l'information de soem sur Chypre du nord, nous avons beaucoup de membres de Chypre avec BEAUCOUP de knowladge sur Chypre et les emplacements différents de partout dans Chypre si vous êtes venu au bon lieu ! la bonne conclusion de lluck que vous avez besoin de, je me sait seulement nicosie que le sud prend parti si je la coutume est beaucoup bonne à vous
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