miltiades wrote:Maynard23 wrote:Well Miltiades, having read through many of your posts and having previously suggested that they are mostly a load of old bollocks, with this one you have confirmed that they ARE.
Your staunch support of the terrorist state of Israel, whose only real claim has ever been that "The Lord Gave It to Them" and they have even written a song about it.
Coupled with the fact that you insist that there is "No God" and your constant reminders that you are always right.
Must negate the reasons for why you support them.
Finally confirming that you ARE a load of old bollocks and there is no way out. IMHO

Stupid shut it , this is for thinkers not for piss pots like you !
If as you say this post is for thinkers [and I assume you consider yourself to be one of them].
Let us then THINK about what your first post implies shall we ?.
The ONLY claim the terrorist state of Israel has made on the land it stole from the rightful owners in order to establish itself, is that it was "Promised to them by God".
YOU are overly supportive of the terrorist state of Israel and your past posts are confirmation of that fact.
YOU are constantly insisting that you are always right in whatever subject you engage in.
YOU insist that there is "NO GOD" which obviously means that he could not have made such a promise.
Therefore it follows that the terrorist state of Israel has firstly lied and secondly stolen the lands that they now occupy.
Most "Thinkers" have suspected this to be the case, YOU [by your own admission] have now confirmed what those "Thinkers" suspected.
Calling people nasty names will not erase their "Thoughts" Miltiades, it is time for you to consider the value of your allegiance to the terrorist state you so greatly admire. IMHO