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Postby CopperLine » Thu Sep 04, 2008 11:42 am


I guess, the closest words to GOD, and provided you ARE a believer, are those expressed by Jesus Christ, the son of God. And Jesus, never ever expressed any words of violence or hatred. I use Jesus as an example only,....

Accepting that you only use Jesus as an example, there's quite a long and tenuous chain of improbability in the above - IF there is a god, IF you are a believer, IF Jesus was the son of a yet-to-be-confirmed god, IF the words were those of a man called Jesus, and - not mentioned in your list but also crucial - IF the record of the words uttered by Jesus were indeed accurately recorded (given that the earliest written claimed record of the words of a man by that name were not written until some thirty years after the supposed death of that so-named man).

By any standard that is a pretty long and tortuous series of improbable connections by which we might 'know' the 'real' word of (a yet to be demonstrated) god. Of course people are at liberty to believe this guff, but in what way is such guff and such absurd speculation deserving of respect ?
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Postby Paphitis » Thu Sep 04, 2008 12:09 pm

CopperLine wrote:Paphitis,

I guess, the closest words to GOD, and provided you ARE a believer, are those expressed by Jesus Christ, the son of God. And Jesus, never ever expressed any words of violence or hatred. I use Jesus as an example only,....

Accepting that you only use Jesus as an example, there's quite a long and tenuous chain of improbability in the above - IF there is a god, IF you are a believer, IF Jesus was the son of a yet-to-be-confirmed god, IF the words were those of a man called Jesus, and - not mentioned in your list but also crucial - IF the record of the words uttered by Jesus were indeed accurately recorded (given that the earliest written claimed record of the words of a man by that name were not written until some thirty years after the supposed death of that so-named man).

By any standard that is a pretty long and tortuous series of improbable connections by which we might 'know' the 'real' word of (a yet to be demonstrated) god. Of course people are at liberty to believe this guff, but in what way is such guff and such absurd speculation deserving of respect ?

I agree with you entirely.

The important thing is to define the "Divine Creator". I understand this as a deity which created all living things on the face of this planet, created earth and the universe as a whole through some miraculous power. Now, if this is true, how can the same deity preach war, genocide, rape, plunder, and intolerance to those that do not worship and glorify Him? IMHO, I believe that any so called religious doctrines of any faith that do preach this, are not the wishes of God, but are the manipulations of man who use the religion as a vehicle that suits him for whatever reason. Why would God create and then preach to destroy? Is He really such a jealous God, or did we create this manipulation?

It is up to those who are broad minded, to use their judgement as to what constitutes the word of God and what does not. You need to have a very open mind to be able to do this, as all religions basically are brainwashing their entire flocks, which is again the manipulation of man!

For example, if the Bible tells me to never kill anyone, and love thy neighbor, then I could accept this as the word of God. If the Bible tells me to kill all Muslims, because they are not Christians, then I may discount this as not the word of God. Off course, the theocrats would disagree and go ahead with their crusade against all Muslims which is why they created the manipulation to begin with.
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Postby Oracle » Thu Sep 04, 2008 1:15 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:
Oracle wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:
Oracle wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:
humanist wrote:having a member of my family who is Sri Lankan .... Oracles is correct on the Sri Lankan war.

What .. that Islam lies at the root of the Sri Lankan conflict?

Tim why do you think Islam lies at the root of this conflict?

I have already told you it is between the Sinhalese who claim to have been in Sri Lanka longer than the latter southern India-derived Tamils.

I do NOT think that Islam lies at the root of this conflict. This is your claim. To quote (from your post earlier in this thread) :

"Once again another Muslim connected conflict.

How many of the world's religion-inspired, divisional-solution seeking disputations have Islam as the common denominator?"

In my opinion Islam has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the conflict in Sri Lanka, and this is an idiotic claim. It is even more idiotic for somebody to come along and endorse this view purely out of a sycophantic, knee-jerk reaction.

Tim ... show me where I am supposed to have said Islam was at the root of the war in Sri Lanka ... those were your words.

Your link was the one which implicated Muslims in the conflict ... please have a look again.

Perhaps you need to censor your prejudices to what I say, as they are clouding your judgement.

If you cannot recognise your own words quoted back at you, there is no hope.

I did not write root .. that is your choice of word and you have not supplied a quote which has the word "root" in it that was made by myself ...

However, your link states there were Muslims in the group gathering before the fracas ... hence my general statement (derived from link).

So Tim ... where is this quote I (supposedly) made which states Islam was at the root of the Sri lankan conflict?

Men just hate admitting they made a mistake :lol:
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