CopperLine wrote:Oracle you really take the biscuit - absolutely craven and shameless. Your original post alleged Shakespeare was a plagiarist. Now you try to wriggle out by adding the term 'original'. Two quite different things. And in your follow-up you don't give a jot of evidence to support the 'plagiarism' allegation. No serious Shakespeare scholar has ever made the allegation of plagiarism and a figure the other side of zero are those who've provided any evidence. "Debates on Shakespeare's [ ]/plagiarism are many " - More total tosh from Oracle.
On Oracle's definition of plagiarism, so wide as to be meaningless, one would have to conclude that everyone from Freud, to Conrad, to Einstein, to Dawkins, to Marx (Groucho and Karl), were all plagiarists !
That Shakespeare 'borrowed' from the generations before him is simply a non-issue, and on no account does it amount to plagiarism. Yes he like every other author or artist or , frankly, any other human being inherits the world that has gone before, be they stories, discoveries, economies or buildings. There really is nothing to prove.
The extract from Encyclopedia Brittanica is a particularly daft piece to use to 'support' Oracle's daft assertion. We get a reference to Langbaine's early commentary on Shakespeare as if this is definitive, without a single reference to the subsequent three centuries of Shakespeare research !
But all of this is a trifle compared with Oracle's brush-off of her own twisted racism. So long as Oracle litters this Forum with casual racism and regular idiocies then it needs to be pointed out and objected to.
I have not tried to wriggle out of anything ... I still used the word plagiarist, but it is not to the exclusion of using other words
That quote was from another thread .. and debating Shakespeare will take this thread off topic.
But carry on getting off on merely joining in to rant against anything you wish to take out of context.
The debate about Shakespeare having plagiarised or not is long and arduous and was referred to days ago in another thread discussing literature ... you chose to bring it here, now.
As usual you have not provided any counter-arguments just lifting words from here and there and criticising their use.
What a bore!
Put forward an argument why don't you ... stick your neck out once in a while, and and give us an original opinion instead of nit-picking what others are in mid-flow about.
How much evidence do I need to present to satisfy you? Why should I satisfy you?

The comment was in passing to someone else. I simply politely gave you some food for thought, some snippets of the evidence available and you can google away all the current pros and cons .... I have no desire to sit here and debate data for you to dissect or merely spoon-feed you.
I made my point,
it is a well known argument that has been debated for hundreds of years no doubt, by scholars a lot more informed than us.
I do not care for your unsubstantiated allegations about racism, an oft used word around here and completely meaningless unless you have any idea what Race refers to genetically. I am free to hate Turks ... that is my prerogative and is not racist one little bit! I hate white chocolate but I love dark chocolate! What is it to you?
I could call you many things, but labelling "virtual" characters one thing or another does not excite me one little bit nor serves any useful purpose.....
Excuse me I have a cherry-tomato and goats cheese tart to see to .... much more rewarding!