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Postby Tim Drayton » Wed Sep 03, 2008 12:47 pm

humanist wrote:having a member of my family who is Sri Lankan .... Oracles is correct on the Sri Lankan war.

What .. that Islam lies at the root of the Sri Lankan conflict?
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Postby Tim Drayton » Wed Sep 03, 2008 1:52 pm

My last question apperas to have been met with deafening silence. I wonder why that could be?

Here is a little medley collected from some of Humanist's latest posts:

August 25
Oracles you are legend and next time am in Cyprus I hope to meet up with you.

August 25
That is very good advise Oracle your not just a pretty face are ya

August 21
Oracles I love ya because you say it as it is, (can I say I love ya in public;)...)

August 21
well done Oracles ......

August 17
hello you Oracles I cannot help but love ya girl

August 6
Oracles, darls you crack me up

It seems that your knee-jerk, sycophantic reaction to second anything Oracle says has tripped you up here, mate. The thesis that you are backing up in this case, mate - based on the lame argument of having a Sri Lankan in-law - is that Islam is the cause of Sri Lankan conflict. Perhaps you would care to support this claim with some kind of intelligent argument.

Humanist, you do have a mind of your own. Don't be afraid to use it!

PS My paternal grandmother was Russian. Does that make me the fount of all knowledge about Russia? Does that mean that any statement I make about Russia is automatically true? I don't think so.
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Postby denizaksulu » Wed Sep 03, 2008 3:34 pm

Oracle wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:
Oracle wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:
CopperLine wrote:
miltiades wrote:Just a reminder of what the post was about , no mention of Israel or terrorists. It takes one idiot besotted with the existence of Israel and one mad scientist infatuated with her own brainpower and highly intoxicated with the valor and fortitude of the idiots' "dogged " perceptive , to crush in with her usual utter crap , at least this time she left the Turks out. This is a question about religious intolerance and has nothing what so ever to do with either Israel or the Middle East . Religious intolerance , that is the question. Here it is again .
"""Having watched channel 5 this evening and having heard how some Islamic clerics are describing the non Muslims I'm perturbed to say the least.
The Jews are apparently Monkeys and the Christians Pigs. !!
What are your comments and which of the main "false" religions -all are false - is in your opinion the most intolerant of them all.
Let me say from the outset that I do not for one billionth of a second accept the existence of a creator and I consider all religions to be the byproduct of times gone by .Further more I consider any religion that preaches hatred and intolerance as dangerous to humanity as a whole . """

ps.may your God , as false as he is , be with you all !!

I don't often agree with Militiades, but I'm with him on this one. The so-called monotheistic religions, insofar as they have a common root in a "jealous god" are fundamentally intolerant. That intolerance is written into the basics of Judaic, Christian and Islamic belief.

But the non-monotheistic religions don't get awat scot-free either : Buddhism, Hinduism and Shintoism are, for example, prone to the same brutalities against non-believers.

But where I guess I differ from Militiades is that it is in Marx's criticism of religion that you'll find the most powerful of arguments aganist religious belief. Hitchens has got by far and away the best current survey in 'God is not great'.

Many people in the West have quite a dewy eyed impression of Buddhism as having to do with peace and brotherly love. A brief visit to Sri Lanka convinced me that this faith is a very effective "opium of the people" there, and is perfectly happy to resort to force wherever peer group pressure is inadequate to secure compliance.

News of a violent attack in that country by Buddhist monks hostile to the notion of cohabitation with their (Hindu) Tamil compatriots on a peace procession did nothing to dispel this impression:

Once again another Muslim connected conflict. :roll:

How many of the world's religion-inspired, divisional-solution seeking disputations have Islam as the common denominator?

It's high time we taught "atheism" in schools and reduced religion to a hobby rather than a way of life.

Sorry, you have lost me. The conflict in Sri Lanka is between Buddhist Sinhalese speakers and Hindu Tamil speakers, although a significant portion of both communities have been converted to Christianity. There is a Muslim minority as well, but they stay well out of this conflict. Believe me, if you travel around Sri Lanka, religious insignia and symbols are everywhere - of all four religions.

The Muslims do not have to be in the majority to cause trouble and unrest :wink:

From your link ....

COLOMBO, Sri Lanka - When saffron-clad Buddhists monks and Catholic priests and nuns in white are joined by [b]Muslim and Hindu leaders in an interfaith rally for peace, the last thing anyone would expect is that their pacific efforts would end in fisticuffs...[/b]

The Muslims are about 8% of the population .... surely they'll be wanting about 20% of the country :roll:

O, get serious for once will you!! :lol: :lol:
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Postby connor » Wed Sep 03, 2008 3:50 pm

miltiades wrote:Having watched channel 5 this evening and having heard how some Islamic clerics are describing the non Muslims I'm perturbed to say the least.
The Jews are apparently Monkeys and the Christians Pigs. !!
What are your comments and which of the main "false" religions -all are false - is in your opinion the most intolerant of them all.
Let me say from the outset that I do not for one billionth of a second accept the existence of a creator and I consider all religions to be the byproduct of times gone by .Further more I consider any religion that preaches hatred and intollernace as dangerous to humanity as a whole .

ps.may your God , as false as he is , be with you all !!

My view with regard to your original question Miltiades...

In my opinion Islam is the most intolerant of the religions which are currently infesting the planet.

Yep I'm with you 100% atheist and also consider religion to be
a product of times gone by.

Richard Dawkins rules....along with Golden Retrievers..Donkeys..etc etc..
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Postby Paphitis » Wed Sep 03, 2008 3:59 pm

connor wrote:
miltiades wrote:Having watched channel 5 this evening and having heard how some Islamic clerics are describing the non Muslims I'm perturbed to say the least.
The Jews are apparently Monkeys and the Christians Pigs. !!
What are your comments and which of the main "false" religions -all are false - is in your opinion the most intolerant of them all.
Let me say from the outset that I do not for one billionth of a second accept the existence of a creator and I consider all religions to be the byproduct of times gone by .Further more I consider any religion that preaches hatred and intollernace as dangerous to humanity as a whole .

ps.may your God , as false as he is , be with you all !!

My view with regard to your original question Miltiades...

In my opinion Islam is the most intolerant of the religions which are currently infesting the planet.

Yep I'm with you 100% atheist and also consider religion to be
a product of times gone by.

Richard Dawkins rules....along with Golden Retrievers..Donkeys..etc etc..

So I take it that you have read the Koran and have developed this opinion from studying the topic.

Or are you speaking with prejudice fueled by your ignorance on the topic and from what you see on tv and in the newspapers?
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Postby connor » Wed Sep 03, 2008 5:09 pm

I was talking directly to Miltiades....Not you....
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Postby miltiades » Wed Sep 03, 2008 5:27 pm

Paphitis wrote:
connor wrote:
miltiades wrote:Having watched channel 5 this evening and having heard how some Islamic clerics are describing the non Muslims I'm perturbed to say the least.
The Jews are apparently Monkeys and the Christians Pigs. !!
What are your comments and which of the main "false" religions -all are false - is in your opinion the most intolerant of them all.
Let me say from the outset that I do not for one billionth of a second accept the existence of a creator and I consider all religions to be the byproduct of times gone by .Further more I consider any religion that preaches hatred and intollernace as dangerous to humanity as a whole .

ps.may your God , as false as he is , be with you all !!

My view with regard to your original question Miltiades...

In my opinion Islam is the most intolerant of the religions which are currently infesting the planet.

Yep I'm with you 100% atheist and also consider religion to be
a product of times gone by.

Richard Dawkins rules....along with Golden Retrievers..Donkeys..etc etc..

So I take it that you have read the Koran and have developed this opinion from studying the topic.

Or are you speaking with prejudice fueled by your ignorance on the topic and from what you see on tv and in the newspapers?

Is there no end to your stupidity General .Shut it stupid.
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Postby Oracle » Wed Sep 03, 2008 6:16 pm

Once again CoperLine joins in merely to criticise and offer nothing of any worth :lol:

CopperLine wrote:Once again Oracle plumbs the depths of idiocy :

Once again another Muslim connected conflict.
re. Sri Lanka

It was Tim's link which suggested this:

Tim's link wrote:COLOMBO, Sri Lanka - When saffron-clad Buddhists monks and Catholic priests and nuns in white are joined by Muslim and Hindu leaders in an interfaith rally for peace, the last thing anyone would expect is that their pacific efforts would end in fisticuffs...

CopperLine wrote:or from another thread,

At the very least Shakespeare was a plagiarist

Debates on Shakespeare's originality / plagiarism are many and there is much evidence against him ...

Shakespeare the Plagiarist

Shakespeare was a man of many accomplishments. Many were in his writings; others were in his great director and playwright skills. The play Hamlet is one of the most re-created and re-written books to date. Hamlet is still being performed in theaters around the world. Even though many people perceive Shakespeare as a literary genius, we can not give him sole credit for his plays and sonnets.

With a few exceptions, Shakespeare did not invent the plots of his plays. Sometimes he used old stories (Hamlet, Pericles). Sometimes he worked from the stories of comparatively recent Italian writers, such as Boccaccio - using both well-known stories (Romeo and Juliet, Much Ado About Nothing) and little known ones (Othello). Shakespeare has been proven, by many authors, to have borrowed from the Arts, the Histories and the Sciences. (Britannica Online, ... 75/12.html)
"The first collection of information about sources of Elizabethan plays was published in the 17th century. Gerard Langbaines account of the English Dramatic Poets (1691) briefly indicated where Shakespeare found materials for some plays."(Britannica Online)
It has been shown in this book that Shakespeare quoted his contemporary Christopher Marlowe in As You Like It. He casually refers to the Aethiopica ("Ethiopian history") of Heliodorus (which has been translated by Thomas Undertown in 1569) in Twelfth Night. Chapman's vigorous translation of Homer...

Source: 123 HM
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Postby Oracle » Wed Sep 03, 2008 6:20 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:
humanist wrote:having a member of my family who is Sri Lankan .... Oracles is correct on the Sri Lankan war.

What .. that Islam lies at the root of the Sri Lankan conflict?

Tim why do you think Islam lies at the root of this conflict?

I have already told you it is between the Sinhalese who claim to have been in Sri Lanka longer than the latter southern India-derived Tamils.
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Postby Oracle » Wed Sep 03, 2008 6:23 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:My last question apperas to have been met with deafening silence. I wonder why that could be?

Here is a little medley collected from some of Humanist's latest posts:

August 25
Oracles you are legend and next time am in Cyprus I hope to meet up with you.

August 25
That is very good advise Oracle your not just a pretty face are ya

August 21
Oracles I love ya because you say it as it is, (can I say I love ya in public;)...)

August 21
well done Oracles ......

August 17
hello you Oracles I cannot help but love ya girl

August 6
Oracles, darls you crack me up

It seems that your knee-jerk, sycophantic reaction to second anything Oracle says has tripped you up here, mate. The thesis that you are backing up in this case, mate - based on the lame argument of having a Sri Lankan in-law - is that Islam is the cause of Sri Lankan conflict. Perhaps you would care to support this claim with some kind of intelligent argument.

Humanist, you do have a mind of your own. Don't be afraid to use it!

PS My paternal grandmother was Russian. Does that make me the fount of all knowledge about Russia? Does that mean that any statement I make about Russia is automatically true? I don't think so.

There could be two reason why it met with deafening silence ...

1. Daftest question to date!

2. Humanist is at work / play / sleep .... (or all 3 ... sorry couldn't resist that :lol: ).

Are you censoring friendships now Tim? :shock:

Envy is one of the Seven deadly Sins you know (back to topic :wink: )....
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