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Postby CopperLine » Tue Sep 02, 2008 7:48 pm

miltiades wrote:Just a reminder of what the post was about , no mention of Israel or terrorists. It takes one idiot besotted with the existence of Israel and one mad scientist infatuated with her own brainpower and highly intoxicated with the valor and fortitude of the idiots' "dogged " perceptive , to crush in with her usual utter crap , at least this time she left the Turks out. This is a question about religious intolerance and has nothing what so ever to do with either Israel or the Middle East . Religious intolerance , that is the question. Here it is again .
"""Having watched channel 5 this evening and having heard how some Islamic clerics are describing the non Muslims I'm perturbed to say the least.
The Jews are apparently Monkeys and the Christians Pigs. !!
What are your comments and which of the main "false" religions -all are false - is in your opinion the most intolerant of them all.
Let me say from the outset that I do not for one billionth of a second accept the existence of a creator and I consider all religions to be the byproduct of times gone by .Further more I consider any religion that preaches hatred and intolerance as dangerous to humanity as a whole . """

ps.may your God , as false as he is , be with you all !!

I don't often agree with Militiades, but I'm with him on this one. The so-called monotheistic religions, insofar as they have a common root in a "jealous god" are fundamentally intolerant. That intolerance is written into the basics of Judaic, Christian and Islamic belief.

But the non-monotheistic religions don't get awat scot-free either : Buddhism, Hinduism and Shintoism are, for example, prone to the same brutalities against non-believers.

But where I guess I differ from Militiades is that it is in Marx's criticism of religion that you'll find the most powerful of arguments aganist religious belief. Hitchens has got by far and away the best current survey in 'God is not great'.
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Postby Maynard23 » Tue Sep 02, 2008 7:53 pm

purdey wrote:
Why is this in tourism ?

Further to the above question, I have just scanned through the Cyprus Tourism section of the forum and have discovered an interesting point.

In the Six Years [as far back as it goes] record of posts, THIS is the first time Miltiades's name is proposed as the poster.

I know that he has often discussed matters relating to Tourism [also due to research] and find such a revelation quite extraordinary.

It is even possible [due to the above] that he did not even know of it's existence and relied on the fact that others didn't.

Tsk Tsk, such a crafty ploy, I think he must have been influenced by his mates somewhere along the line.

IMHO. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby bill cobbett » Tue Sep 02, 2008 8:30 pm

Other than to say that all religions, faiths, superstitions etc are nnboallocsks I can't contribute much to this debate other than to say that to those who say that Xinity is a tolerant religion go to the US where for many zealots it is as intolerant as the more fanatical versions of those other shites of religion that are islam and judaism.

...bill c. ...running for the northern hills
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Postby RichardB » Tue Sep 02, 2008 8:33 pm

bill cobbett wrote:Other than to say that all religions, faiths, superstitions etc are nnboallocsks I can't contribute much to this debate other than to say that to those who say that Xinity is a tolerant religion go to the US where for many zealots it is as intolerant as the more fanatical versions of those other shites of religion that are islam and judaism.

...bill c. ...running for the northern hills

Run Billy Run...

Apologies to forestgrump :lol:
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Postby miltiades » Tue Sep 02, 2008 9:00 pm

Maynard23 wrote:
miltiades wrote:Just a reminder of what the post was about , no mention of Israel or terrorists. It takes one idiot besotted with the existence of Israel and one mad scientist infatuated with her own brainpower and highly intoxicated with the valor and fortitude of the idiots' "dogged " perceptive , to crush in with her usual utter crap , at least this time she left the Turks out. This is a question about religious intolerance and has nothing what so ever to do with either Israel or the Middle East . Religious intolerance , that is the question. Here it is again .
"""Having watched channel 5 this evening and having heard how some Islamic clerics are describing the non Muslims I'm perturbed to say the least.
The Jews are apparently Monkeys and the Christians Pigs. !!
What are your comments and which of the main "false" religions -all are false - is in your opinion the most intolerant of them all.
Let me say from the outset that I do not for one billionth of a second accept the existence of a creator and I consider all religions to be the byproduct of times gone by .Further more I consider any religion that preaches hatred and intolerance as dangerous to humanity as a whole . """

ps.may your God , as false as he is , be with you all !!

Now come on "Milti the Cat", the purpose of your post is quite obvious.

You thought you could "Rabble Rouse" a little condemnation of the Islamic faith and chose a channel 5 broadcast to create the atmosphere necessary to do so.

You came unstuck by mentioning your own "Intolerance" and dropped yourself truly in the shit !! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

What you constantly fail to understand mate, is the fact that when one such as you persistently posts inane and weak arguments, it becomes quite pleasant to see you squirm [which is what you are doing now by trying to distort your own posted intentions].

You have made a serious error of judgement , opened up the gates of ridicule which will now ever flood your terrorist friends [whom you have badly let down] and you might just as well face the fact that you DO generally submit a load of old bollocks !!. IMHO. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

An old Cypriot proverb says POU EN BORI NA DERI TON GARON DERNI TO SAMA !!
The "dogged " boy seems to confuse the entire concept of Religious intolerance , I shall not define it for him he can google it or in his case dog it. !!
You are not only insolent but rather rude too , however I forgive you and put it down to your being dogged too many times .
Brainless as you are you have managed to attract a fun , the mad scientist !!
In case you are wondering , my friends , Christians , Muslims , Sikhs , Jews are fully aware of my contempt of religious intolerance , are also aware of my views concerning the West , the USA , Britain and the EU.
Get your bollocks untangled from your arse and stop confusing your diarrhoea with wisdom .
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Postby Maynard23 » Tue Sep 02, 2008 9:13 pm

miltiades wrote:
Maynard23 wrote:
miltiades wrote:Just a reminder of what the post was about , no mention of Israel or terrorists. It takes one idiot besotted with the existence of Israel and one mad scientist infatuated with her own brainpower and highly intoxicated with the valor and fortitude of the idiots' "dogged " perceptive , to crush in with her usual utter crap , at least this time she left the Turks out. This is a question about religious intolerance and has nothing what so ever to do with either Israel or the Middle East . Religious intolerance , that is the question. Here it is again .
"""Having watched channel 5 this evening and having heard how some Islamic clerics are describing the non Muslims I'm perturbed to say the least.
The Jews are apparently Monkeys and the Christians Pigs. !!
What are your comments and which of the main "false" religions -all are false - is in your opinion the most intolerant of them all.
Let me say from the outset that I do not for one billionth of a second accept the existence of a creator and I consider all religions to be the byproduct of times gone by .Further more I consider any religion that preaches hatred and intolerance as dangerous to humanity as a whole . """

ps.may your God , as false as he is , be with you all !!

Now come on "Milti the Cat", the purpose of your post is quite obvious.

You thought you could "Rabble Rouse" a little condemnation of the Islamic faith and chose a channel 5 broadcast to create the atmosphere necessary to do so.

You came unstuck by mentioning your own "Intolerance" and dropped yourself truly in the shit !! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

What you constantly fail to understand mate, is the fact that when one such as you persistently posts inane and weak arguments, it becomes quite pleasant to see you squirm [which is what you are doing now by trying to distort your own posted intentions].

You have made a serious error of judgement , opened up the gates of ridicule which will now ever flood your terrorist friends [whom you have badly let down] and you might just as well face the fact that you DO generally submit a load of old bollocks !!. IMHO. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

An old Cypriot proverb says POU EN BORI NA DERI TON GARON DERNI TO SAMA !!
The "dogged " boy seems to confuse the entire concept of Religious intolerance , I shall not define it for him he can google it or in his case dog it. !!
You are not only insolent but rather rude too , however I forgive you and put it down to your being dogged too many times .
Brainless as you are you have managed to attract a fun , the mad scientist !!
In case you are wondering , my friends , Christians , Muslims , Sikhs , Jews are fully aware of my contempt of religious intolerance , are also aware of my views concerning the West , the USA , Britain and the EU.
Get your bollocks untangled from your arse and stop confusing your diarrhoea with wisdom .

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby purdey » Tue Sep 02, 2008 9:49 pm

You have a way with words Milti, always a good read.
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Postby Tim Drayton » Wed Sep 03, 2008 10:09 am

CopperLine wrote:
miltiades wrote:Just a reminder of what the post was about , no mention of Israel or terrorists. It takes one idiot besotted with the existence of Israel and one mad scientist infatuated with her own brainpower and highly intoxicated with the valor and fortitude of the idiots' "dogged " perceptive , to crush in with her usual utter crap , at least this time she left the Turks out. This is a question about religious intolerance and has nothing what so ever to do with either Israel or the Middle East . Religious intolerance , that is the question. Here it is again .
"""Having watched channel 5 this evening and having heard how some Islamic clerics are describing the non Muslims I'm perturbed to say the least.
The Jews are apparently Monkeys and the Christians Pigs. !!
What are your comments and which of the main "false" religions -all are false - is in your opinion the most intolerant of them all.
Let me say from the outset that I do not for one billionth of a second accept the existence of a creator and I consider all religions to be the byproduct of times gone by .Further more I consider any religion that preaches hatred and intolerance as dangerous to humanity as a whole . """

ps.may your God , as false as he is , be with you all !!

I don't often agree with Militiades, but I'm with him on this one. The so-called monotheistic religions, insofar as they have a common root in a "jealous god" are fundamentally intolerant. That intolerance is written into the basics of Judaic, Christian and Islamic belief.

But the non-monotheistic religions don't get awat scot-free either : Buddhism, Hinduism and Shintoism are, for example, prone to the same brutalities against non-believers.

But where I guess I differ from Militiades is that it is in Marx's criticism of religion that you'll find the most powerful of arguments aganist religious belief. Hitchens has got by far and away the best current survey in 'God is not great'.

Many people in the West have quite a dewy eyed impression of Buddhism as having to do with peace and brotherly love. A brief visit to Sri Lanka convinced me that this faith is a very effective "opium of the people" there, and is perfectly happy to resort to force wherever peer group pressure is inadequate to secure compliance.

News of a violent attack in that country by Buddhist monks hostile to the notion of cohabitation with their (Hindu) Tamil compatriots on a peace procession did nothing to dispel this impression:
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Postby Paphitis » Wed Sep 03, 2008 10:40 am

An old Cypriot proverb says POU EN BORI NA DERI TON GARON DERNI TO SAMA !!

Ever since I have been reading your posts, I have cum I mean come, to the conclusion that you are very experienced in this. You may wish to address this mental condition which causes you to overindulge as I am told that a person of your age should watch their viagra intake! :lol:

The "dogged " boy seems to confuse the entire concept of Religious intolerance , I shall not define it for him he can google it or in his case dog it. !!

The meaning of "Dogging" should be well nown to you by now. So I doubt that you need to google or dog the definition. You have plenty of experience of being "Dogged" by the US/UK/Isreal and your Turkish compatriots in the north. Akoma theleis na souzei o kolos sou diladi? :lol:

O epomenos pelatis parakalo! :)
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Postby Oracle » Wed Sep 03, 2008 10:40 am

Tim Drayton wrote:
CopperLine wrote:
miltiades wrote:Just a reminder of what the post was about , no mention of Israel or terrorists. It takes one idiot besotted with the existence of Israel and one mad scientist infatuated with her own brainpower and highly intoxicated with the valor and fortitude of the idiots' "dogged " perceptive , to crush in with her usual utter crap , at least this time she left the Turks out. This is a question about religious intolerance and has nothing what so ever to do with either Israel or the Middle East . Religious intolerance , that is the question. Here it is again .
"""Having watched channel 5 this evening and having heard how some Islamic clerics are describing the non Muslims I'm perturbed to say the least.
The Jews are apparently Monkeys and the Christians Pigs. !!
What are your comments and which of the main "false" religions -all are false - is in your opinion the most intolerant of them all.
Let me say from the outset that I do not for one billionth of a second accept the existence of a creator and I consider all religions to be the byproduct of times gone by .Further more I consider any religion that preaches hatred and intolerance as dangerous to humanity as a whole . """

ps.may your God , as false as he is , be with you all !!

I don't often agree with Militiades, but I'm with him on this one. The so-called monotheistic religions, insofar as they have a common root in a "jealous god" are fundamentally intolerant. That intolerance is written into the basics of Judaic, Christian and Islamic belief.

But the non-monotheistic religions don't get awat scot-free either : Buddhism, Hinduism and Shintoism are, for example, prone to the same brutalities against non-believers.

But where I guess I differ from Militiades is that it is in Marx's criticism of religion that you'll find the most powerful of arguments aganist religious belief. Hitchens has got by far and away the best current survey in 'God is not great'.

Many people in the West have quite a dewy eyed impression of Buddhism as having to do with peace and brotherly love. A brief visit to Sri Lanka convinced me that this faith is a very effective "opium of the people" there, and is perfectly happy to resort to force wherever peer group pressure is inadequate to secure compliance.

News of a violent attack in that country by Buddhist monks hostile to the notion of cohabitation with their (Hindu) Tamil compatriots on a peace procession did nothing to dispel this impression:

Once again another Muslim connected conflict. :roll:

How many of the world's religion-inspired, divisional-solution seeking disputations have Islam as the common denominator?

It's high time we taught "atheism" in schools and reduced religion to a hobby rather than a way of life.
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