alekcen wrote:Answer the question, please. Why does not ur scenarios and all your brilliant ideas dont take place in the reall world? Havent you ever wondered about that? Is it so hard for someone to think like u guys. Is it so hard for someone to think like a nationalist and a partitionist? I believe most of the people think like that.
How do you know non of the ideas suggested on the forum does not play part in the thinking minds who are in the negotiations. Are you checking the talking points of those in the negotiations and making a comparison. You may think there are no good ideas comes from this forum and I will tell you that even a
broken clock is correct twice a day.!
I prefer to be realistic and live in a real world.
This is all subjective. Micky Mouse feel perfectly comfortable in his
real world, which is Disneyland. Are you also going to dispute that and instead insist that he does not.! Not every one's
"real world" is the same as others, and least of all, not the same as yours.!
I will resign, when you resign. simple.
Sorry but I have seniority over you, bye.!!