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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Sep 02, 2008 1:07 am

...easy for you VP, you cross at Limnitis; and that is what we are talking about here.
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Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Sep 02, 2008 1:48 am

humanist, you are quite right to feel the danger in giving too much, however the 'threat' of the gates' closure with each day grows, with their importance to the people who are mobile, and who use them. in this sense Mr. B is right, by making life easier for people, the consideration of losing the asset gains significance.


consider this...; if Greek Cypriots had chosen to go in buses half way around Cyprus for their pilgramage waving the Cyprus Flag and telling people they meet 'I love you', as people who have Faith in the same God in Turkish, asking for nothing, rather than asking, for a suitable accommodation, a crossing at Limnitis, (consistently applying their energy toward good will; like lighting candles for peace, overwhelming in their square, the numbers of Turkish Cypriots, with "Greeks", but welcome to sing together, to demonstrate that regardless of the politics there is a way to militate, and to laugh.), you can be sure that crossings like Limnitis on other roadways would open quicker for the population.

Trouble is, there is the Solomou, who will die, ...and it will be denied.


christian martyrs; with no weapons they get themselves blown up for the world's disgust.

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Postby Kikapu » Tue Sep 02, 2008 10:16 am

denizaksulu wrote:
Kikapu wrote:

T_C wrote:I just want the GC government to apologise for what they did


Back in March when Christofias and Talat met for the first time right after the election to discuss a settlement, Christofias acknowledged that wrongs were done to the TC's. To date, I have not heard Talat saying the same thing about wrongs done to the GC's by the TC's. Therefore, you are not accurate with your above statement. Perhaps you did not know what Christofias did. Naturally, do not expect anymore apologies to come from him, until Talat does the same in return. It is only fair, don't you think.??

Acknowledgement of 'wrongs' does not make an 'apology' Kiks.

If you want to be precise Deniz, then yes, that "acknowledgment of wrong doings" does not replace an apology. But there can be no apologies made on anything by either side as long as the "war" continues. Formal apologies on past wrong doings issued by any government is a complicated agreements, that once agreeing to an apology, it will mean taking responsibility for it also, which may include compensation to past victims, therefore it is a very complicated issue than just saying "I'm sorry". Also, just what is it that they are to apologise for.? The Cyprus problems are entirely inclusive of both communities who have a hand into the problems. If one side apologises, then the other side will use that to absolve their involvement and put all the blame on the side who apologiesed first. I'm afraid, any formal apology will only come many years after there is a peace settlement and even then, it will come as a joint statement from both the communities in the form of a apology.

I still believe Talat should have reciprocated by also acknowledging wrongs done to the GC's by the TC's, to atleast keep the "friendship" alive going into the talks. Once again it goes to show, that Talat only moves on anything regarding the Cyprus issue when the strings are pulled from Ankara. Talat's future career looks good in his post "presidency" as being a team in a ventriloquist show. No, he will not be the ventriloquist himself, but only the "dummy", sitting on the ventriloquist's laps and just moving his mouth.!
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Postby humanist » Tue Sep 02, 2008 10:52 am

VP I think your shitting your pants at the thought of the crossings being closed.

I personally wouldn't have a problem closing the crossings tomorrow. Enough is enough. You are so arogant you can't even see what Turkey is doing to you. You want to throw blame back to people who all they are doing is protecting their interets.

Turkey is choking you but your so blinded you wont admit it.

Just like you don;'t want partition your freaking out about the crossings being closed.
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Postby denizaksulu » Tue Sep 02, 2008 10:54 am

Kikapu wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Kikapu wrote:

T_C wrote:I just want the GC government to apologise for what they did


Back in March when Christofias and Talat met for the first time right after the election to discuss a settlement, Christofias acknowledged that wrongs were done to the TC's. To date, I have not heard Talat saying the same thing about wrongs done to the GC's by the TC's. Therefore, you are not accurate with your above statement. Perhaps you did not know what Christofias did. Naturally, do not expect anymore apologies to come from him, until Talat does the same in return. It is only fair, don't you think.??

Acknowledgement of 'wrongs' does not make an 'apology' Kiks.

If you want to be precise Deniz, then yes, that "acknowledgment of wrong doings" does not replace an apology. But there can be no apologies made on anything by either side as long as the "war" continues. Formal apologies on past wrong doings issued by any government is a complicated agreements, that once agreeing to an apology, it will mean taking responsibility for it also, which may include compensation to past victims, therefore it is a very complicated issue than just saying "I'm sorry". Also, just what is it that they are to apologise for.? The Cyprus problems are entirely inclusive of both communities who have a hand into the problems. If one side apologises, then the other side will use that to absolve their involvement and put all the blame on the side who apologiesed first. I'm afraid, any formal apology will only come many years after there is a peace settlement and even then, it will come as a joint statement from both the communities in the form of a apology.

I still believe Talat should have reciprocated by also acknowledging wrongs done to the GC's by the TC's, to atleast keep the "friendship" alive going into the talks. Once again it goes to show, that Talat only moves on anything regarding the Cyprus issue when the strings are pulled from Ankara. Talat's future career looks good in his post "presidency" as being a team in a ventriloquist show. No, he will not be the ventriloquist himself, but only the "dummy", sitting on the ventriloquist's laps and just moving his mouth.!

Hmmm. Very 'eloquently' put Kiks. :lol:
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Postby humanist » Tue Sep 02, 2008 10:56 am

warrior no one in the international arena give a toss about Cypriots. If they did action would be taken against Turkey. That is all there is my friend.

As far as the candle holders I find them absolutely hypocritical. I'll light a candle but yet I'll live in your home and feel good about it too.

I dunno about you but I am related to a whole village who lost their homes to the Turks.
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Postby alekcen » Tue Sep 02, 2008 3:25 pm

Close the crossings and the solution dies with it. Is like closing the artiries in the heart. This will only cause partition and if our side does it, it will be held responsible and had to face the consequences.

Especially now with the negotiations starting this will lead to complete failure.

I believe u guys should stop all this fantasy scenarios in here see things realistic. Unless you want to make Dectas and Papadopoulos dream come true, which is partition, then go ahead push for the closing of the crossings.

Go ahead with your fantasy scenarios that take place only in your minds, and why dont u ever u guys wonder, why nothing that is being suggested in here by all of you, NEVER HAPPENS. Are all of you really so clever that all the negotiators and the diplomats cant think the brilliant ideas you have??
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Postby Magnus » Tue Sep 02, 2008 3:55 pm

Closing the crossings would just be seen as an admission of the divide as it basically acknowledges a true border rather than the end of the occupied area. In addition to this, the inhabitants of the 'TRNC' would then be able to cry victim even more and gain more support for their cause for international recognition, not to mention the harm done to the image of the RoC.

If you really want to keep people out then you have to make it unprofitable for them to cross over. For example if you charge a 50 Euro 'administration fee' for using the crossing, someone living in the 'TRNC' but going to work in the RoC everyday would end up paying 100 Euros per day. Given the average wage, who would be able to pay that and still have enough to live on?

Naturally, the necessity for such costs would be due to the continued occupation of Cyprus territory by Turkish forces resulting in increased security costs and the increasing level of persons seeking illegal entry into the RoC through the north, thus requiring greater administration and preventative measures.

It's not illegal, simply unprofitable.
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Postby Kikapu » Tue Sep 02, 2008 3:55 pm

alekcen wrote:
Go ahead with your fantasy scenarios that take place only in your minds, and why dont u ever u guys wonder, why nothing that is being suggested in here by all of you, NEVER HAPPENS. Are all of you really so clever that all the negotiators and the diplomats cant think the brilliant ideas you have??

I was just wondering the same thing as to why you are here. Don't you think any of us know the recent history of Cyprus, but you are here to keep reminding us over and over again from your own point of view as to what happened and what should be done next to change the situation.

So alekcen, when are you going to "resign" from the Cyprus Forum.! :lol:
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Postby Bananiot » Tue Sep 02, 2008 4:03 pm

All those who rushed to call for the closing of the gates on account of what happened in Limnitis have shown their true face. This mentality is reserved for Turk haters who in the not so distant past have murdered Turkish Cypriots for sport.
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