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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby BC Numismatics » Mon Sep 01, 2008 3:55 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
DT. wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
T_C wrote:
humanist wrote:T_C I am sorry mate I got all emotional and I lost my cool. Mate the point I was trying to make and failed miserably was that both communities suffered going back to history we cannot change the future.

I realised that at each defining moment of Cypriot history the two communities seem to head lock and as such both loose, persons and dignity. I think if we are to move forward we have to concentrate on building a beteer Cyprus, not Turkish and most certinly NOT Greek.

And that is why I asked many times for a TC to explain to me what political equality means and I have yet to get a clear response.

It's ok humanist, I do it too most of the time. :(

I agree with your post above though. I just don't know how they're going to find a solution thats going to make everyone happy? :?

Specially since they've left so many open wounds to fester for all these years and seeing that theres not 1 "official" Cyprus story that we can trust, we end up taking sides and feeling "wronged" by the other all the time.

I don't want land or anything from the GCs, I just want the GC government to apologise for what they did and vice versa. By doing so I would feel more confident that history wouldn't repeat itself and that lessons were learned.

Unfortunately the stance most of us take make us distrust eachother even more. :(

I just want the GC government to apologise for what they did


Back in March when Christofias and Talat met for the first time right after the election to discuss a settlement, Christofias acknowledged that wrongs were done to the TC's. To date, I have not heard Talat saying the same thing about wrongs done to the GC's by the TC's. Therefore, you are not accurate with your above statement. Perhaps you did not know what Christofias did. Naturally, do not expect anymore apologies to come from him, until Talat does the same in return. It is only fair, don't you think.??

Acknowledgement of 'wrongs' does not make an 'apology' Kiks.

Its more than anyone has given us. We're still victims of a peace operation.

...and we are still victims of your dream for Enosis.

These statements wont get us anywhere!!

Enosis is a braindead idea,as is Taksim.Cyprus belongs to the people of Cyprus,who are neither Greek nor Turkish,but Cypriot.

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Postby halil » Mon Sep 01, 2008 3:57 pm

DT. wrote:Kumbaya halil, Kumbaya.

what does it mean :?:
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Postby DT. » Mon Sep 01, 2008 4:08 pm

halil wrote:
DT. wrote:Kumbaya halil, Kumbaya.

what does it mean :?:

Its a song halil, perhaps you can sing it at the gathering. Maybe the Turkish generals will all commit mass suicide.
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Postby halil » Mon Sep 01, 2008 4:19 pm

DT. wrote:
halil wrote:
DT. wrote:Kumbaya halil, Kumbaya.

what does it mean :?:

Its a song halil, perhaps you can sing it at the gathering. Maybe the Turkish generals will all commit mass suicide.

If .....If ....If ......DT,

Those times are past DT . We past those stages at 2004 .

scare does not help at all .

If u live with If's you will wait hundreds and hundreds years :!:

Inonu square is more safe than eleftrai square DT .

whatch it from TV tonight ..... oooo u scare to tune to Bayrak !!!! firstly again you must collapse the castles and fears from your brain .
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Postby DT. » Mon Sep 01, 2008 4:23 pm

halil wrote:
DT. wrote:
halil wrote:
DT. wrote:Kumbaya halil, Kumbaya.

what does it mean :?:

Its a song halil, perhaps you can sing it at the gathering. Maybe the Turkish generals will all commit mass suicide.

If .....If ....If ......DT,

Those times are past DT . We past those stages at 2004 .

scare does not help at all .

If u live with If's you will wait hundreds and hundreds years :!:

Inonu square is more safe than eleftrai square DT .

whatch it from TV tonight ..... oooo u scare to tune to Bayrak !!!! firstly again you must collapse the castles and fears from your brain .

I fear nothing in Cyprus Halil. You are the one that wants Turkish gauratees and protection from the ferocious Greeks after the solution.
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Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Sep 01, 2008 4:47 pm

bilako22 wrote:
Oracle wrote:
T_C wrote:
humanist wrote:T_C
Yeah I'm ok thanks

We lasted for 30+ years so I don't know what would be so different if they closed them again.
We've gotten used to missing out on a lot of things and we've been through a lot worse than having some crossings being closed.

And we have been punished, by the GCs and Turkey OVER and OVER and OVER again.

No TC would trust the word of the GC government, they'd have to be stupid. A bit like you trusting Turkey actually...

I cannot believe that after the thousands of people who roam in the RoC from the occupied areas each and evry day you have come u with this valueless setence T-C. Firstly GC's are not punishing you, you are all punishing yourselves. We are the legal nation, we are under occupation from Turkey we sought support from the international arena and they have honoured humanitarian practice. How are we excactly punishing your people mate. Give a good reason and then I'll apologise.

If you are referring to the embargoes it ireallty is very simple, you stole my home under gun point, I can and have imposed economic embargo.

The GC governemnt gives opportunities to TC's who want to take the and they have, if they don't want to trust is simply their issue. They choose not trust, if they can trust RoC employers and the wealth it gives them, who runs the country.

It is not a bit like not us not trusting Turkey we have very good reasons not to trust Turkey she entered illegally killed and pilalaged, kicked 200,000 people out of their homes and that is the reason we do not trust Turkey.

Funny how you forget thats exactly what eoka was doing to us, with the blessings of the GC government... :roll:

Pathetic reasoning T_C ... EOKA's prime aim was to remove the British and well you know it.

Instead of helping this course ... the TCs fought against it.

You have no one to blame but yourselves if you now feel let down by EVERYONE ... both by GCs and Turks.

How can that be T_C ? ...... that GCs and Turkey jointly colluded to frame the TCs ... pull the other one :roll: ..... you are one selfish paranoid, group of people ...

Useless ....

Bullshit , EOKA was fighting to achieve ENOSIS with its motherland.

your bullshit is bullshit bilako: EOKA is dead, and the so called ENOSIS has happened as an EU with Cyprus a part of its membership.

Turks still support the partition of the island; Cypriots do not.
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Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Sep 01, 2008 4:57 pm

Bananiot wrote:No DT, my plan is to shower the Turkish Cypriots with good will, even in the face of adversity. We want them on the side of Cyprus. Many of them make thier living in the south and some sick nationalist are calling for the closing of all gates. They want to throw the Turkish Cypriots in the warm embrace of mother Turkey again. This is bloody treason DT and by the way, are you also calling for the closing of all gates? What is your position on this?

Ah, again Mr. B, you inspire in me that there is hope because there are people who understand the power of non-violence, and the importance there is in this committment through acts. was Christofias's platform, working from the ground up, and he should stick to it, (making his peoples' lives easier) despite the choices that his adversary has made, this will change as Talat cannot sustain any credibility if he is unable to reciprocate.
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Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Sep 01, 2008 5:00 pm

Halil, perhaps you will state your views clearly on what Talat should do to build confidence, in the case of Issak and Solomou, as well as this issue at Limnitis.

...this may help a lot.
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Postby humanist » Mon Sep 01, 2008 10:48 pm

How can advocacy of closing all crossings be regarded as the wish of a humanist ? Politician, yes; nationalist yes; avenger yes; desperado yes; frustrated yes: humanist no.

being a humanist does not mean you allow someone to walk all over you all the time. Sometimes love is calling it a day.

Beside I am not saying anything more than closing all crossings. Those TC's who want to live in the RoC and share its bad with its good are doing it and those who live in the occupied area would be more than welcome.
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Postby Viewpoint » Mon Sep 01, 2008 11:09 pm

humanist wrote:copperline
How can advocacy of closing all crossings be regarded as the wish of a humanist ? Politician, yes; nationalist yes; avenger yes; desperado yes; frustrated yes: humanist no.

being a humanist does not mean you allow someone to walk all over you all the time. Sometimes love is calling it a day.

Beside I am not saying anything more than closing all crossings. Those TC's who want to live in the RoC and share its bad with its good are doing it and those who live in the occupied area would be more than welcome.

Do it, campaign for closure and watch the back lash, you claim to represent all Cypriots and to discriminate against TCs, you would lose face in the world and recognition would be it if you have the balls close all crossing tomorrow, if you havent got the balls then shut up and stop threatening closure when you know your leaders would not commit political suicide.
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