humanist wrote:VP you are a bullshit artist. You have never once stated precisely what safeguards you want. Name them so we the dumb GC's can get it and see if we can offer the safeguards your community requires for a united Cyprus under a BBF. We have hijacked and exploited for 45 years? who has excluded 200,000 people from their homes and 800,000 from part of their country?
A BBF with political equality of the 2 states north and south and no armies.
Your hijacking in 1963 was the cause of 1974, you reeped what you sowed the one time we had the opportunity to build a Cypriot people you had hidden agendas, where were you when we lost our homes and lived in fear?
If you are confident that the safe guards we demand will become redundent then why do you oppose them so much? Obviously you do not want any arangements that will restrict your controlling the island without our effective input.