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True colours of the Attila

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Viewpoint » Sat Aug 30, 2008 5:37 pm

halil wrote:Bananiot my friend we will be at peace protest together . let them to talk .they like the ways how it is going on now .

The Cat Stevens is coming to perform a peace concert to support the talks . every efforts that we are going to make will open more gates for us .These people are only talks . Love buses are on the roads as well .They started to carry passengers from South Nicosia to Kyreania .he love bus company is under the treat from ROC transport minister. how are still he is doing his job .

some of them they don't understand giving what the news says in north than personal views of me .Let them to talk and attack as Bananiot at the end people like us will win .

they talks about colors of Attila but they never see they are own colors .
tell u truth they are is no difference between them .

Me and my whole family are coming Halil cu there.
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Postby Oracle » Sat Aug 30, 2008 6:04 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Piratis wrote:
Bananiot wrote:I see, pull out of the talks, this is your game, just like the Turkish army wants. Whose game are you playing Piratis? How much are you getting paid? What a cretin!

Bananiot, I am not playing any games. And this is what our goverment should do as well. They should declare to the international community that we are tired of playing the Turkish games by "negotiating" with their puppets who have no power to even open a gate, and that we want to negotiate directly with the Turkish leadership.

Who will tell you to go to hell, as they do not recognize you, but feel free to do what you say as it would make me very happy.

Do they not recognise the EU then? It is the EU that we represent now!
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Postby zan » Sun Aug 31, 2008 2:33 am

Again....The "True colors of Tpaps men in powerful places" stirring up trouble and asking for things they know the answer to already. :roll: And little racist scum Ruffpiella getting her knickers in a twist to get the twisted message out to all the hysterical children here!! :roll:
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Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Aug 31, 2008 5:05 pm

...frankly in a strange and perverse way the Turkish response to Greek Cypriots at Limnitis is a wonderful thing.

Like the demonstration of intolerance with the case of Issak and Solomou there are few conclusions which can be made. At some point this form of ignorance will have enough exposure, and the International community will leave no more of their goodwill to be wasted like pearls to swine. "Technical problems" can be overcome, if there is a will. Cypriots have much to be thankful for, and in the end their desire to remain as this island's stewards will be rewarded. In a cold and calculated way, we must continue with our resolve to demonstrate to the rest of Humanity what it means to suffer peace with the love we have for reason. Now is not the time to lose the most valuable asset we have, compassion, and a resolve to stand united against an enemy that should we fight like them, we become not unlike them.

Freedom and Freewill always have an enormous cost. It is simple economics because we value this intangible so much. Those who place their "Turkishness" or their "Greekness" above their service to a whole that is Universal will fail if we do not fail ourselves.
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Postby paliometoxo » Sun Aug 31, 2008 6:44 pm

zan wrote:Again....The "True colors of Tpaps men in powerful places" stirring up trouble and asking for things they know the answer to already. :roll: And little racist scum Ruffpiella getting her knickers in a twist to get the twisted message out to all the hysterical children here!! :roll:

no matter how much will gcs show tcs tcs give nothing back and demand more... you people are blood sucking theivs who say one thing and do another, bloody turks
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Postby paliometoxo » Sun Aug 31, 2008 8:48 pm

no matter how much good will gcs show tcs, tcs give nothing back and demand more... you people are blood sucking theivs who say one thing and do another, bloody turks
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Postby humanist » Sun Aug 31, 2008 9:36 pm

warrior you are talking to yourself yet again, how many of these peace loving candle lighters have you seen in this thread, support the Pyrgos people or infact all Cypriots by even mentioning the wrong actions decided by the army. And then you have people like halil taliking about those people? Referring excactly to whom halili those people that your community leadership and occupiers have kept away from their homes and country, those people that you want out of their homes so that you can build one. If that is fairness then the fuck with it all why would I want to share a neighbourhood with you, Zan or VP. You have a blinded GC Bananiot pushing your trolley as you have siught an ally in the Irish cheeck and you are calling for peace at the same time excluding people from their nation. Where is your patritism halil and friends? I wonder if omeone rich enough ever build you an Island beween Cyprus and Turkey would you call it your own ? because it sure as hell indicates to me that you have no allegiance to Cyprus.
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Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Aug 31, 2008 10:30 pm

it's a good point Humanist,

...and i know that i talk to myself on this forum a lot, with very little exception it seems. for the record though, the readership is much broader than the writership, and in this regard i feel it is important for me to contribute in this 'dialog' just the same.
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Postby humanist » Sun Aug 31, 2008 10:37 pm

warrior, I appreciate where you are coming from. and it was not a criticism for me it ws a case of no one listens. for over two years I have advocated on this forum that TC's have as much right to all of Cyprus as the rest of us, I have advocated for equal rights and opportunties for all Cypriots in a united Cyprus where we are all free to live, work and create our business where we want too. I am not a Bananiot who will sacrifice most Cypriots to meet the needs of very few they too are human beings like us. If they do not like being a minority then I have no answer for them, they are a minority in the occupied area, Being a minority does not mean being less of a citizen, we only have to look at America and we can see that it is about personal will not a group status. Barak Obama is the President of US and he is froma minority group, That has undergone more discrimination than any Turk of Cyprus has.
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Postby halil » Sun Aug 31, 2008 10:47 pm

Andrea ,
halil was given his answers to u before .our strugle is not the only 74 mate . before 74 and after 74 ...... now we are at 2008 .

both sides had some agreements while ago . BBF solution in Cyprus . We are supporting both sides leaders talks on BBF conditions . we are backing them to get power for talks .There is a differences between them but trhey have to find the ways that both sides will except it .They need our support and we will do it .
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