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Are all Opinions Equally Valid?

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Postby cyprusgrump » Sun Aug 31, 2008 8:47 pm

Z4 wrote:
Maynard23 wrote:
Z4 wrote:
Oracle wrote:
zan wrote:
Oracle wrote:OK good examples from those that bothered answering the topic.

(I see iceman has the curfew mentality firmly embedded in his occupied brain.)

Dino I agree many opinions could be backed up, but we can make value judgements on how they are arrived at, and then decide if they are equally valid to more sustainable views....

Surely that's what Humans are good at: weighing up the evidence and making decisions. Meaning not all opinions are equally valid.

My example:

The Pope has no scientific knowledge yet he firmly refutes the evidence from Evolution, that Creation by a God, was not necessary to put life on Earth.

Dawkins is the leading authority on the vast data and research we have which profoundly prove life can be "created" in a test tube, even by us mere mortals. This eliminates the central doctrine for a need of a "Creator-God".

Surely the Pope's opinion is then not equally valid, arising without justification or foundation, to that of Dawkins', in establishing whether Creation or Evolution, should be taught in Biology classes at schools.

Does this not just prove that your validity is only backed up by how many people you can convince to believe your version either by plain ignorance or just being scared????

Having opinions is not merely about wanting to convince others to adopt them.

But how one arrives at those opinions reflects what you are prepared to accept as the truth.

So your opinions reflect whether you are a fantasist (not taking on board established facts or preferred popular opinion) or a realist weighing up all available evidence.

During Hitler's era there was a lot of evidence to suggest those people were indeed inferior, so he formed his opinion accordingly.

We know now, all people are born the same .... so only a fantasist would believe otherwise and hold such an invalid opinion.

What a boring post and a boring topic we have here, from another really dull member


Can't agree on your assessment of Oracle mate, controversial she certainly IS, but dull ?...............NEVER !!,

In my opinion of course, I wonder if any member would care to validate it ?. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Please dont call me mate

What a plank... :roll:
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Postby Oracle » Sun Aug 31, 2008 9:10 pm

Maynard23 wrote:
Oracle wrote: Having opinions is not merely about wanting to convince others to adopt them.

But how one arrives at those opinions reflects what you are prepared to accept as the truth.

So your opinions reflect whether you are a fantasist (not taking on board established facts or preferred popular opinion) or a realist weighing up all available evidence.

During Hitler's era there was a lot of evidence to suggest those people were indeed inferior, so he formed his opinion accordingly.

We know now, all people are born the same .... so only a fantasist would believe otherwise and hold such an invalid opinion.

I believe that the interpretations of Hitler's reasons for ethnic cleansing were and are purposely distorted in order to conceal the real reasons for such.

At the time of the awful events that took place during the period of Hitler's leadership, the Jews were capitalizing on the misfortunes of others [ much as they are today] by dealing behind the scenes on both sides of the conflicts taking place.

Hitler considered them a non productive burden to the advancement of his country, which was being bled dry by the Jews.

Hitler's vision was to establish his country as a world leader in commerce and the manufacture of goods which they actually WERE except that the stranglehold of the Jew prevented the country as a whole to progress, much the same as is the case today only MORE so and on a wider scale.

Of course, these days such comments as I now make are more or less taboo, the mere mention of anything which might cast a shadow [actually a revelation of the TRUTH] in the direction of the Jew, will be met with howls of indignation from the masses who have been gulled into accepting that they are a persecuted race, oblivious to the fact that THESE DAYS, the Jews are the biggest persecutors on the face of the earth.

They hold the reins you see, just look at what is happening in the world, are you blind ?.

IMHO. and awaiting anyone with the guts to validate it. :lol:

Well as I said, there was a lot of "evidence" to suggest the Jews were inferior in Hitler's day because they were looked down upon due to their commercial acumen. Yes Hitler objected to their commercial dominance and he looked for reasons to validate his opinion and found plenty ... including the old chestnut that they killed Jesus.

Well nowadays there is an argument (perpetuated by the Jews :roll: ) that Greeks are the only ones who could match Jews in business ... so do we now look for reasons to annihilate Greeks based on that?

The strongest argument we have today is that people are all the same .... apart from cultural practices. But you do not have to resort to "cleansing" the world of those practitioners, because cultural habits can be easily changed through education ... and not through EUGENICS / ethnic cleansing!
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Postby Maynard23 » Sun Aug 31, 2008 9:57 pm

Oracle wrote:

Well as I said, there was a lot of "evidence" to suggest the Jews were inferior in Hitler's day because they were looked down upon due to their commercial acumen. Yes Hitler objected to their commercial dominance and he looked for reasons to validate his opinion and found plenty ... including the old chestnut that they killed Jesus.

Well nowadays there is an argument (perpetuated by the Jews :roll: ) that Greeks are the only ones who could match Jews in business ... so do we now look for reasons to annihilate Greeks based on that?

The strongest argument we have today is that people are all the same .... apart from cultural practices. But you do not have to resort to "cleansing" the world of those practitioners, because cultural habits can be easily changed through education ... and not through EUGENICS / ethnic cleansing!

Strangely enough, whenever one broaches any subject pertaining to the Jews, the immediate response seems to be in some way connected to their ability to trade successfully, what nobody ever seems to realize is that the manner in which they seem to have developed the ability to "Infiltrate" is too often either ignored or glossed over.

The matter of the Jew and Jesus Christ is of no consequence in my own opinion, nor is the relative trading abilities of the Greeks, what concerns me most is the way in which the Jew has established himself politically, has infiltrated the political arena to such an extent that the whole world should be on it's guard.

The six million we are constantly reminded of [and there is no doubt that such was an awful event] pales into insignificance when compared to the many more millions that have and are suffered/suffering since those tragic days.

You want to know about suffering ?, wait till the Jew fully gets the upper hand [and it looks like it's coming soon] when your very life's blood will be squeezed out of you and your own country [yes Cyprus is in danger] will fall victim to the "Acumen" [as everyone likes to call it] of the Jew.

Personally, I think they are evil bastards, scheming and twisted manipulators, only intent on their own well being.

Watch out when there is a Jew about, and Oh by the way, forget about peace, it will NEVER happen. IMHO. :roll:
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Postby Oracle » Sun Aug 31, 2008 11:33 pm

Maynard23 wrote:
Oracle wrote:

Well as I said, there was a lot of "evidence" to suggest the Jews were inferior in Hitler's day because they were looked down upon due to their commercial acumen. Yes Hitler objected to their commercial dominance and he looked for reasons to validate his opinion and found plenty ... including the old chestnut that they killed Jesus.

Well nowadays there is an argument (perpetuated by the Jews :roll: ) that Greeks are the only ones who could match Jews in business ... so do we now look for reasons to annihilate Greeks based on that?

The strongest argument we have today is that people are all the same .... apart from cultural practices. But you do not have to resort to "cleansing" the world of those practitioners, because cultural habits can be easily changed through education ... and not through EUGENICS / ethnic cleansing!

Strangely enough, whenever one broaches any subject pertaining to the Jews, the immediate response seems to be in some way connected to their ability to trade successfully, what nobody ever seems to realize is that the manner in which they seem to have developed the ability to "Infiltrate" is too often either ignored or glossed over.

The matter of the Jew and Jesus Christ is of no consequence in my own opinion, nor is the relative trading abilities of the Greeks, what concerns me most is the way in which the Jew has established himself politically, has infiltrated the political arena to such an extent that the whole world should be on it's guard.

The six million we are constantly reminded of [and there is no doubt that such was an awful event] pales into insignificance when compared to the many more millions that have and are suffered/suffering since those tragic days.

You want to know about suffering ?, wait till the Jew fully gets the upper hand [and it looks like it's coming soon] when your very life's blood will be squeezed out of you and your own country [yes Cyprus is in danger] will fall victim to the "Acumen" [as everyone likes to call it] of the Jew.

Personally, I think they are evil bastards, scheming and twisted manipulators, only intent on their own well being.

Watch out when there is a Jew about, and Oh by the way, forget about peace, it will NEVER happen. IMHO. :roll:

Eliko my dear ... is that you? :?
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Postby purdey » Mon Sep 01, 2008 8:43 am

Whoever it is, they seem to have a problem with a large part of the human race. Or maybe he still regards us as subhuman.
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Postby Maynard23 » Mon Sep 01, 2008 9:43 am

purdey wrote:Whoever it is, they seem to have a problem with a large part of the human race. Or maybe he still regards us as subhuman.

Actually Purdey, as I already indicated earlier, you are a near enough man for me and it is an unfortunate fact that in order to state one's opinion it is often quite unavoidable to generalize.

However, in the TRUE sense of the word, as far as Jews are concerned I do think that one can, though am ready to admit that there must be a few exceptions of which you may be one.

My REAL gripe [if you feel that I have a problem with a large part of the human race] lies mainly or even primarily with those that govern the decent people of the world which are far far in the majority.

It is in these areas that the Jew has established his presence, the Law and Politics being the two main areas where their influence is apparent.

There has been no peace on the earth since the formation of Israel, there will be no peace on earth while it is in existence since it is stolen territory [politically arranged] and regarded by millions throughout the world as a terrorist state.

Knowing that there were conflicts prior to the period which preceded the formation of the terrorist state of Israel, one should also concern oneself with the reasons behind such conflicts, there will surely be a Jew in the equation somewhere.

If the Jews are such a harmless entity among us all, WHY have they been the targets of aggression for so long ? and please don't rely on the old chestnut Jealousy, resentment perhaps, since any free thinking person would resent the scheming connivance of the ever present "Oh how we have suffered" Jews as neighbours.

Did it ever occur to anyone that they might deserve it ?, surely anyone who has suffered would be reluctant to impose suffering on others, it is in those areas that the true nature of the Jew reveals itself, look no further than Palestine for a very SMALL example.

The rest of the scheming bastards to which I referred to are well dug in to the halls of governance and legal bodies which incidentally embrace MOST areas where pressure is applied upon decent people.

Think about it, Cyprus beware, you could well be next on the Jewish agenda [unless you already are].
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