Oracle wrote:T_C ... she sounds lovely and I can see she has instilled some special qualities in you.
Older people never expect the younger generation to be around all the time, so don't cut yourself up for not being there.
She would probably rather you remembered her as she was when she was more full of life then in her dying days.
When did your grandad die?
So sorry you are suffering ....
Sagolasiniz... (Thanks everyone)
Oracle. My grandad died 8 years ago, since then my gran had been deteriorating. She suffered from mental problems later on in her life and after my grandad passed away she couldn't really cope on her own.
They got her a 24hr carer who lived with her but she kept wanting them to leave. In the end she opted to go into a home, I didn't really see her that much after my grandad died. I couldn't visit because of the army for about 5 years till I plucked up the courage to go because I knew my nan was getting old. And even then I didn't see her all that much because of the army. She was really upset because she thought that I wasn't going to see her when it was only because I was in the army and only able to see her on the weekends, she would of died had she known I was in there so I had to keep telling her I was with friends staying at hotels in Kyrenia.
I didn't even get to go to my nans funeral because some family member thought it would be a perfect opportunity to seek revenge on us at the expense of my nans memory.

I just can't get over nan really didn't deserve it.