I have lived in Cyprus all my life!
I have also visited the pet shop Ttomis suggested but they sell the same food as in Love Birds, Bento Kronen, lowest quality food ever! It even includes euthanized animals according to my research.
Hazza, I have never heard of that place, I will have a look! Thanks!
Hello conmarios! I have in fact gotten some baby tortoises from her, I also have an adult male, I am looking mainly for an adult female for him to pair up with. He is very hyper, and it's very little in breeding season. He needs a nice big lady to calm him down.

If I will go tortoise hunting again I will be looking in pet shops where they sell big tortoises, if you have any idea please let me know!

I am looking for the following brands:
Wellness Core,
Taste of the Wild,
Solid Gold,
Instinct and
Innova EVO.
These are 6 star dog foods and I am looking to feed my dogs the best!

If you can help me find a pet shop where they sell these brands, conmarios, please inform me!
tessintrnc, forget dog food, raw meat and bones is a really great and natural dog diet. I just don't have the time to prepare this diet as I have lots of animals to care for... Your dog must be very healthy!
I keep land tortoises, I do feed them natural foods but in the Summer there are no plants that are nutritious for tortoises, so I decide to feed them some a vegetable mix but with tortoise food to keep them strong. Not all tortoise food are good quality though, if you should choose between natural diet and ready food I suggest you choose natural if it's easy for you. The problem with most ready food for tortoises is that it's low in calcium, but I use calcium powder on their food so it's not really a problem.
I have bought some tortoise food from Love Birds, I have known Love Birds for many years now as I live close to them! If I need them I go to them walking!

But the tortoise food they sell is not always of good quality... I asked if they can order a different brand but they can't so I am always searching for something better.
Thank you all, I am looking forward to your reply!
PS. I remember once when I was at Love Birds, a truck came and unloaded some animals, including tortoises. If I knew what company they were or their phone number maybe I would be able to find a nice lady tortoise for my male. I have had him for 5 years and I know he is longing a female.

Would any of you know of any animal suppliers? Specifically tortoise or generally reptile suppliers?

Also, they should be selling their animals cheaper than the pet shop if I can track them down...
Thanks again!