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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Turkey (( * » Tue Jul 05, 2005 9:52 pm

Well Othellos, I hope that you understand that I don't give a shit if they recognize a so-called genocide, in my book you cannot recognize that doesn't exist and something that is not proven! Unless this is proven I couldn't care less about it!
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Postby Othellos » Tue Jul 05, 2005 9:55 pm

Turkey (( * wrote:Well Othellos, I hope that you understand that I don't give a shit if they recognize a so-called genocide, in my book you cannot recognize that doesn't exist and something that is not proven! Unless this is proven I couldn't care less about it!

Of course you do not care...because you have been taught how to live in denial. But again, this mentality and practice of avoiding to acknowledge past mistakes or crimes will get you nowhere. It never does.

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Postby Turkey (( * » Tue Jul 05, 2005 10:03 pm

A suggestion for you Othellos, don't write a come back unless you are sure on what you are writing! Now you do not know how I was brought up, you know nothing about me except my replies, you do not know how I lived and live, you do not know what I was taught! So please stop being a fool and get your facts right! I am very open-minded, unless someone comes up with an independant source, and tells me how they came to the decision that there was a genocide based on evidence I believe that there was no genoocide. Now I hope your parents taught you how to respect peoples' ideas and by the way I said I hope so I don't know if they did or did not teach you!! But again dont make comments on things that you don't know please!!
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Postby Othellos » Tue Jul 05, 2005 10:12 pm

Now you do not know how I was brought up, you know nothing about me except my replies, you do not know how I lived and live, you do not know what I was taught!

Your replies tell everything that one needs to know about you.

.....I am very open-minded.....


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Postby Turkey (( * » Tue Jul 05, 2005 10:14 pm

Sorry Othellos I have not yet written my life on the replies and I intend not to! Oh and by the way learn how to respect people!
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Postby Othellos » Tue Jul 05, 2005 10:34 pm

Turkey (( * wrote:Sorry Othellos I have not yet written my life on the replies and I intend not to! Oh and by the way learn how to respect people!

What is one supposed to respect about you? The fact that you deny a grand attorocity against other human beings? Give us a break.

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Postby Turkey (( * » Tue Jul 05, 2005 10:40 pm

Look Othellos, I am tired of giving answers to people like you, I respect that you believe that there is a genocide and I expect the same from you. Now what can you respect about me?? I leave the answer to this question to other members of our forum. Any answer is welcome, if the majority wants me to leave I will happily accept and respect their answer.

Members of Cyprus-Forum, go ahead, please answer Othellos' question since I would not like to flatter or insult myself. As I said I will respect your answers, please write what you feel.......
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Postby negotiator » Wed Jul 06, 2005 11:41 am

I think we need to clarify what GENOCIDE is before we use the term.

It is the wish/desire to rid a race from existance as Hitlers Final Soloution. Now the GCS political view was to rid tcs from the island and join it to Greece, therefore that can be deemed as Genocide.

TCS defence and consequent action of killing GCs cannot, as it was not a political stance or movement to kill and entire race.

That is the differance!!!!!
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Postby Main_Source » Wed Jul 06, 2005 12:36 pm

you'll say anything to legalise the invasion. parasite.
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Postby Dhavlos » Wed Jul 06, 2005 7:04 pm

Grow up, all of you.
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