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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby brother » Thu Jun 30, 2005 1:40 pm

turks marching through a 'greek' area is just not a good idea

Putting your foot in your mouth again :roll: there is no such thing as a greek area, but an area with a high percentage of greek speaking british citizens.

Anyway imo the idiots who do start any trouble will only give the other side a political tool, so stop stressing and lets all hope it goes quietly. :wink:
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Postby demetriou_74 » Thu Jun 30, 2005 2:40 pm

brother wrote:
turks marching through a 'greek' area is just not a good idea

Putting your foot in your mouth again :roll: there is no such thing as a greek area, but an area with a high percentage of greek speaking british citizens.

Anyway imo the idiots who do start any trouble will only give the other side a political tool, so stop stressing and lets all hope it goes quietly. :wink:

you know what i mean so dont get all technical, its pointless and useless. i want it to go smoothly but you know as well as i do it wont
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Postby RAFAELLA » Thu Jun 30, 2005 3:56 pm

brother wrote:
They didn't inform Blair though from which stolen grove the orange was picked up?

Did you investigate its origin?
It probably came from a tc owned grove but you have made assumptions out of sheer arrogance....

Probably, as you say, it came from Tc owned grove. The chances though that the orange has been picked up from a stolen Gc grove are better. The properties at the occupied area are , more or less, 80% of Gc ownership.
Anyhow, why they didn't send him a few more?...he could ask Mrs Blair to make him some fresh orange juice :lol: :lol:

brother we speak the ROC is using tc land and groves in the south and selling oranges, stop being so petty please.

Can you explain why is this happening? :wink:
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Postby brother » Thu Jun 30, 2005 4:02 pm

:lol: :lol: Is it the velvet partition that is the cause or if we go further back could it be because of the Athens sponsered greek junta and the turkish army, whatever the reasons we are currently using each others land out of necessity and not spite, i just find it tiresome that at every given opportunity some gc like to take pot shots, in my opinion doing this does not build a solid relationship or trust in the communities which is all that is really needed to unite our country.
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Postby RAFAELLA » Thu Jun 30, 2005 4:03 pm

demetriou_74 wrote:the propposed location is very bad. the only attention it will get is that of the police when trouble breaks out. turks marching through a 'greek' area is just not a good idea. will have a detremental effect.the after-math will just further claims that the two sides can not get along.

This is their purpose dem_74. They don't want a solution but recognition is their aim...and their wishful thinking.
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Postby demetriou_74 » Thu Jun 30, 2005 4:27 pm

demetriou_74 wrote:the propposed location is very bad. the only attention it will get is that of the police when trouble breaks out. turks marching through a 'greek' area is just not a good idea. will have a detremental effect.the after-math will just further claims that the two sides can not get along.

This is their purpose dem_74. They don't want a solution but recognition is their aim...and their wishful thinking.

just because i set fire to parliament holding a a sign saying Kill George Bush does not mean it will happen. but what people will do is realisehow stupid me and the people supporting me are. similar senario. they will get publicity for the wrong reasons
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Postby Viewpoint » Thu Jun 30, 2005 5:03 pm

i just find it tiresome that at every given opportunity some gc like to take pot shots, in my opinion doing this does not build a solid relationship or trust in the communities which is all that is really needed to unite our country.

eh gunaydin kardes meaning good morning brother.
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Postby Main_Source » Thu Jun 30, 2005 5:26 pm

The only reason for this march is provocation...there are parts of London which are more populated by Turks than GC...but they chose to start the march in the middle of currently the largest Greek Cypriot population in the UK. Yes, there are Turkish Cypriots in Palmers Green...but there are a lot more Greek Cypriots.

It's just like painting the 'TRNC' flag on mountain sides or planting those bullshit Ataturk slogans at the checkpoints...just to try and rub the invasion in GC faces.

Looking at the organisors and the bullshit ATCA news website they write for, you dont have to be a genius to see that this is meant to start some kind of animosity to try and back their arguments that the two communities cant live together.

These people are going to march in front of GC who were forced out of there homes and say the invasion was a 'peace operation'. Dont expect GC to take more shit and have the boasting of the invasion pushed in our faces.

I've already seen some dickhead TC kids waving the 'TRNC' flag infront of a GC cafe in Palmers Green, which a majority of its memebers come from occupied Famagusta...and that was only after Greece drawing 0-0 with Turkey in a Football match.

Let's see what provocation is caused.
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Postby Viewpoint » Thu Jun 30, 2005 5:29 pm

which website can I get more information about the rally???
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Postby Dhavlos » Thu Jun 30, 2005 5:35 pm

this rally just shows how , in my eyes, people are not wanting a united cyprus...whatever the rhetoric of the politicians.

If they are trying to provoke the GCs then i call on everyone to ignore them. If they are trying to provokate something, they are not worth the publicity.

THe last thing cyprus needs is revision of any kind of ethnic animosity or violence...cos it just supports the view of division.

Just a thought....if the TRNC was recognised, and part of the EU, then couldnt GCs move back anyway?...not that isupport the idea, but in the end, the GCs would all move back, outnumber the TCs and we would be back to square one.

What people need to realise is that he GCs and TCs are historically spread around the whole of cyprus, not north and south.
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