zan wrote:Kikapu wrote:Viewpoint wrote:Kikapu wrote:Bananiot wrote:One sovereignty, one nationality one international representation and mechanisms that will not permit cessation of one or the other state. Is this okay with you Nikitas?
Then try and sell that to the north as a True Federation with True Democracy Bananiot, and see how far you will get.!!
You haven't gotten very far so far Bananiot, even with your TC friends who speak very highly of you on the forum, including VP, Zan, Halil......, therefore it must (should) tell you something. There is a huge difference between a BBF True Federation with True Democracy and a BBF Annan Plan style, which is a Confederation, Undemocratic, Racist, violation of Human Rights as well as infringement on Freedom of Movement.
The only mechanism to avoid cessation from the Union is to have a True Federation and a true Democracy with one man one vote, as well as the two states as being just that, without labels given to them, such as Turkish or Greek states, because over time, with such labels, it will become to be accepted as being ONLY Turkish or Greek, and with a BBF Confederation Annan Plan style that you support as well as some of your TC friends on the forum, there isn't a damn thing anyone will be able to do about it if one state decides to secede. If not voluntarily, definitely by force by blowing few kids in their school to create a Racial Division, as it has been done in the past.
So what do you say Bananiot. Do you want the things you wrote in your above post to become reality, or are you just going to throw your wishes into the air and hope for the best. Once again, why don't you ask some of your TC friends on the forum, to see if they want the same thing as you want, which is a mechanism where states will not be able to secede.
Bananiot has my support 100% I would happily live in a unitary state with people who think like bananiot but unfortunately they are the minority so thats a non starter. The majority think like Piratis so every safeguard is necessary against this mindset which will make sure we are not left to their mercy.
That is no answer to my question VP. Are you going to agree to a BBF based on True Federation and True Democracy so that there is no chance for any state to secede, or are you going to tell Bananiot to take his proposal and shove it, because that's exactly what you are saying with your double talk lame excuse by making a statement such as "only if the GC's in the south were all like Bananiot's, then I will do what ever Bananiot wants". Well the south is not like Bananiot's and the north is not like Iceman's, as if any nation that practices True Federation and True Democracy only have "angels" for citizens. Man you are such a bullshitter. Why can't you be honest with your friend Bananiot and tell him the truth, that the only thing you want is a partition (directly or indirectly like the Annan Plan) with maximum gains either now or sometime in the future no matter if the whole south were all like Bananiot..
So VP, can we agree that Bananiot's request for
"One sovereignty, one nationality one international representation and mechanisms that will not permit cessation of one or the other state" will not be accepted. A simple
YES or NO will do without telling us "only if all the GC's were like Bananiot".
You either cut your crap about "Democracy" Kikapu style when all you can do is start from scratch to come up with your rubbish or take into account the REAL situation in Cyprus and its history and come up with something that is REAL also like the AP. OR.......You can have partition and lump it. They are your choices. I was not chased out of Cyprus for nothing and am buggered if I am going to accept some fool bandying worthless worda around like " Democracy" and "Haram" to try and scare or fool the children into submission.
Zan, I was only answering our friend Bananiot's question which was
"One sovereignty, one nationality one international representation and mechanisms that will not permit cessation of one or the other state" , which I told him what needs to be done, but you have answered his question in the way I knew how it would be answered by his TC friends who think the world of him.!!
There you go Bananiot. Your TC friends are telling you, take your
"One sovereignty, one nationality one international representation and mechanisms that will not permit cessation of one or the other state" and shove it. It's either going to be a Confederacy, Undemocratic, Racist, Human Rights violation and restrictions on Freedom of Movement, and lets not forget you must also give allegiance to Ataturk, as well as learn the Turkish Language if you plan to live and work in the north, and one last thing also, that you will not be able to vote at all in the north, just as the Annan Plan described or a PARTITION. Actually, the PARTITION at the end was redundant and not necessary to repeat, because that too was in the Annan Plan, only it was disguised, so to cut the whole thing down to 3 words would be
PARTITION or PARTITION is what your TC friends are offering you. I know you have said that you do not want Confederacy or Partition Bananiot, just as I don't, but if your TC's friends are only offering you those choices, why would strangers offer you anything better. I would really like to know.
How much more proof do you need Bananiot..
Thank you Zan for being straight forward with your friend Bananiot, unlike VP who likes to give double talk rather than a direct answer the our good friend Bananiot deserves.