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RECENT ATTACKS IN PILE VILLAGE- Really who gives a shit

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Nikitas » Sat Aug 23, 2008 12:08 pm

Exactly Medman, only in Cyprus silence is not simply from fear of yobs, we have politically connected thugs and that is what people are avoiding to mention. Omerta in Pyla. Both sides know what went on, neither wants to talk openly.
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Postby kafenes » Sat Aug 23, 2008 12:22 pm

Pyla residents ask to be left to live in peace
By Maria-Christina Doulami

TURKISH CYPRIOT leader Mehmet Ali Talat yesterday visited the mixed buffer zone village of Pyla following an incident in the early hours of Wednesday, where stones were thrown at Turkish Cypriot properties and a bust of Ataturk was daubed in plaster.

Talat visited both a Greek and Turkish Cypriot coffee shop and spoke to the town’s residents.

He urged them to ignore any provocations that may seek to affect the good climate between the two communities.

He also visited the representative of the Turkish Cypriot community in the village as well as the President of the Municipal Council, Christakis Antoniou.

Pyla residents are asking that they be left to coexist in peace, while police are continuing investigations on the damages to Turkish Cypriot property.

Earlier yesterday, government spokesman Stefanos Stefanou had insisted that the recent trouble in Pyla has nothing to do with the delayed opening of the Limnitis checkpoint.

The spokesman condemned Wednesday’s vandalism of Turkish Cypriot properties in Pyla as well as the Turkish Cypriot media’s references to “provocations” by Greek Cypriots, adding that “the opening of the Limnitis checkpoint is not connected to any other matter”.

Regarding the episodes in Pyla, Stefanou said “we condemn all kinds of provocative actions that take place in that sensitive village of Pyla, wherever these may come from”.

Asked whether it was a coincidence that such incidents were occurring now when the Turkish Cypriot side wanted to connect the issue of Limnitis to that of Pyla, Stefanou said he did not wish to make any further comment.

“Our position regarding the issue of opening the Limnitis checkpoint is well-known and is not connected to anything else,” he said, adding that, “we are working for the opening of the particular checkpoint as soon as possible, because it will serve both the Greek Cypriots and the Turkish Cypriots in the area.”

Meanwhile, the Turkish Cypriot press yesterday continued insinuations that the Pyla episodes were provocative acts on the part of Greek Cypriots.

Kibris writes that more senior Turkish Cypriot officials were expected to visit the village yesterday, while it points out that no arrests have been made over the attack.

On Thursday, Rauf Denktash and Tahsin Erturuglu, leader of the National Unity Party visited the village.

The NUP issued a statement condemning the attacks in Pyla and claimed that “these are not an isolated incident” but “the repetition of the well-known stance of the Greek Cypriots and the extension of the claims of the Greek Cypriot side for suzerainty on the island”.

Turkish Cypriot newspaper Volkan wrote that “the incident in Pyla demonstrates the need for the presence of Turkish troops on the island” while it criticised UNFICYP for not ensuring security in the village.

The President of Pyla Community Council is expected to meet Turkish Cypriot officials today to discuss the incident.

Copyright © Cyprus Mail 2008

Such an act which is over publicised by the Turks can only mean a staged manipulation not so much for the GCs but aimed to scare the TCs of the consequences if the Turkish army ever left (see 'what if....' thread). The TCs of Pyla know this very well but remain tight lipped. I feel sorry for the TCs who are stuck on a mountain with cliffs both sides.
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Postby Nikitas » Sat Aug 23, 2008 12:58 pm

Kafenes as usual brings us back to earth with an accurate observation. I love the phrase "staged manipulation".
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Postby miltiades » Sat Aug 23, 2008 1:19 pm

Mindless acts of violence must be condemned unreservedly by all law abiding civilized people irrespective of who the perpetrators or the victims are .
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Postby Oracle » Sat Aug 23, 2008 1:34 pm

I agree with Kafenes. This incident has been milked by our resident bayraki and those Turkish pseudo-leaders beyond all expectations. So it was too timely a "gift" to be from mindless vandals.

So who knows how many mainland Turks "live" in Pyla then?

Are they there legally?
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Postby pantheman » Sat Aug 23, 2008 1:48 pm

miltiades wrote:Mindless acts of violence must be condemned unreservedly by all law abiding civilized people irrespective of who the perpetrators or the victims are .

Milti, I agree totally, but there is vandalism of the general nature and there is pre-meditated politically motivated Vandamlism to which this smells very much like.

Since when did political leaders jump on reports of vandalism like they have here, the talks are just around the corner, the Turks have no arguements left for keeping the army or Turkeys Guaranteeship and low and hehold we get TCs attacked. well F me silly if that ain't a coincidence and the excuse to say "we need the Turkish troops to stay look whats happened"

I know the Turks think we are stupid, but come on, we are not that stupid.

The efforts of the political leaders would be better spent petitioning the authorities to scrap the charge to get to Apostolos Andreas and to make a start on taking care of our churches, never mind bloddy vandals.

All the churches were vandalised, robbed and desecrated and no one, not even the F Bananiot say a single word, but you get a couple of broken windows and hey ho we have 1974 all over again. The cheek.
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Postby Kikapu » Sat Aug 23, 2008 5:56 pm

Pile/Plya incident has now turned into a CIRCUS, and where the circus goes, so do all the CLOWNS, a.k.a politicians.

These CLOWNS are all tripping over each other to give us their "interlactual assesments" of what has happened and why, and what the remedy ought to be. To date, they have all failed miserably to uncover anything, other than the obvious to all of us, whuich was vandilism. I would hate to see these CLOWNS to really solve a REAL problems that Cyprus faces,
like finding a Fucking Just and Fair Settlement. I'm sick of these good for nothing so called politicians who are not even qualified to run a small city, let alone a country, and their lack of sincerity of the reasons why they are all showing up in Pile/Plya proves my point. What a waste of time for everyone. All they are doing is posing to have their pictures taken and be in ther papers, and just pretend that their visit made a difference and that they are needed. I like this quote in the Cyprus Mail posted earlier by Kafenas from those living there and these CLOWNS better listen to them.

Pyla residents are asking that they be left to coexist in peace
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Postby Viewpoint » Sat Aug 23, 2008 6:54 pm

miltiades wrote:Mindless acts of violence must be condemned unreservedly by all law abiding civilized people irrespective of who the perpetrators or the victims are .

Miltiades can you see whats happening the GCs just make excuses rather than condemn the act whether it be done by a GC or TC, thats a clear sign of things to come, Id expect any level headed European to say lets work together to find these bastards and punish them, instead the GC make feeble excuses and try to sweep it under the carpet, nothing has really changed, you can place a saddle on a donkey dont make it a race horse.
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Postby Nikitas » Sat Aug 23, 2008 8:20 pm

VP, what some of us said is let us get those CCTV films from around the area and see who was involved.

But what is undeniable is that this act has become political capital for some. Who gained from it is a valid question. After all, we have past experiences- in Salonica in 1955, in Cyprus in 1957 and 1958 when deliberate acts of provocation were used.
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Postby Oracle » Sat Aug 23, 2008 8:38 pm

Mindless acts of violence to some are everyday occurrences when the students are back from their holidays where we live in the UK.

From bubble bath in fountains, to traffic cones on statues to wanton destruction of monuments, to cars' rear-view mirrors left dangling, to shop windows broken, as well as the odd stabbing!

I abhor and condemn such acts which cause thousands of pounds of misery and time wasting ... but they are the norm in the UK.

Tackle the problem of this mindless vandalism before it becomes the norm in Cyprus too, but for goodness sake, don't let it change the course of any actions unnecessarily or use it for a racist agenda!

So can anyone tell me how many Mainland Turks now reside in Pyla and are they living there legally?
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