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Postby Oracle » Mon Aug 25, 2008 10:20 pm

roseandchan wrote:i cannot believe how long some people have been waiting for title deeds. i thought that here in the trnc it was slow but it is much faster than in the south by the posts here. i don't believe that slagging off the developer in their absence proves anything. it most definatley doesn't make you any friends in cyprus. it will take goverments to change the way the systems work. don't blame the developer blame the system for allowing them to get away with it.

Does any one ever stop to wonder, how a small Island like Cyprus, beleaguered by invasion from a nation representing 80 Million of the most backward Euro-striving belligerents courtesy of Attila the Hun ... has ever managed to get teeteringly back on her feet ... before laying their daggers and claws into a bit of a slow down in bureaucratic administrations ...

Perspective folks, perspective :roll:
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Postby Maynard23 » Mon Aug 25, 2008 10:40 pm

Maynard23 wrote:I have received information from my man in St James's (Jimmy Light) who informs me of the following snippets which I will interpret on his behalf.

It would appear that a male form was observed within the confines of a tent in the early hours of this morning lighting up a tilley lamp.
Probably completely oblivious to the fact that the silhouette would be considerably emphasized by the light in such a confined space, the gentleman (or so it is assumed), proceeded to lower his pyjama bottoms and actually adopted a crouched position in order to defecate into a bucket !!.

Jimmy informs me that, at this point, he (Jimmy) coughed rather loudly and observed the silhouette regaining an upright posture rather speedily.

Unfortunately, the tilley lamp was positioned immediately above the silhouette and the resulting CLANG !! was followed by a torrent of expletives far to gross for revelation on this forum.

Jimmy says that he is sure he heard some foreign sounding name being called out but was unable to determine exactly which name it was, the lamp was snuffed out at this point and Jimmy withdrew.

Jimmy was very reluctant to report this incident but felt it was his duty to do so for a very noble reason, he feels that the occupant of the tent should be made aware of the dangers such exposure in such a location could give rise to, he quite rightly points out that many of our M.Ps. and Legal Reps etc, are particularly fond of practising their "Cottageing" techniques in that vicinity (and in the small hours) and fears that the unfortunate occupant may suffer molestation.

Perhaps one of the occupant's entourage might like to pass on this information if they have any idea as to whom he/she may be (Jimmy suspects a he) and obviously warn of the dangers and consequences of such behaviour.

I do believe that the habit of defecating in a bucket, originated among the itinerant folk, I have no problem with them myself God Bless them, I do believe they are a little troublesome up around the Surrey areas of the U.K. at this time of the year but cannot be sure.

Perhaps someone with closer contact may be able to enlighten us all, hopefully Jimmy will be able to give us an update later. IMHO. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Update:- A young lady has been seen frequenting the tent, she was carrying what appeared to be a few newspapers !!. :lol:
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Postby RichardB » Mon Aug 25, 2008 10:45 pm

Maynard23 wrote:
Maynard23 wrote:I have received information from my man in St James's (Jimmy Light) who informs me of the following snippets which I will interpret on his behalf.

It would appear that a male form was observed within the confines of a tent in the early hours of this morning lighting up a tilley lamp.
Probably completely oblivious to the fact that the silhouette would be considerably emphasized by the light in such a confined space, the gentleman (or so it is assumed), proceeded to lower his pyjama bottoms and actually adopted a crouched position in order to defecate into a bucket !!.

Jimmy informs me that, at this point, he (Jimmy) coughed rather loudly and observed the silhouette regaining an upright posture rather speedily.

Unfortunately, the tilley lamp was positioned immediately above the silhouette and the resulting CLANG !! was followed by a torrent of expletives far to gross for revelation on this forum.

Jimmy says that he is sure he heard some foreign sounding name being called out but was unable to determine exactly which name it was, the lamp was snuffed out at this point and Jimmy withdrew.

Jimmy was very reluctant to report this incident but felt it was his duty to do so for a very noble reason, he feels that the occupant of the tent should be made aware of the dangers such exposure in such a location could give rise to, he quite rightly points out that many of our M.Ps. and Legal Reps etc, are particularly fond of practising their "Cottageing" techniques in that vicinity (and in the small hours) and fears that the unfortunate occupant may suffer molestation.

Perhaps one of the occupant's entourage might like to pass on this information if they have any idea as to whom he/she may be (Jimmy suspects a he) and obviously warn of the dangers and consequences of such behaviour.

I do believe that the habit of defecating in a bucket, originated among the itinerant folk, I have no problem with them myself God Bless them, I do believe they are a little troublesome up around the Surrey areas of the U.K. at this time of the year but cannot be sure.

Perhaps someone with closer contact may be able to enlighten us all, hopefully Jimmy will be able to give us an update later. IMHO. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Update:- A young lady has been seen frequenting the tent, she was carrying what appeared to be a few newspapers !!. :lol:

Fu*k Me young Maynard

You're even dafter than me :lol: :lol:

I honestly didnt think that was possible :lol:

What a good man eh
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Postby Free Spirit » Mon Aug 25, 2008 10:49 pm

Feisty wrote:I haven't missed the point at all. A developer can not mortgage a property that has been sold to someone whether they have the title deeds or not. He can only mortgage the land.

Of course you've missed the point, concentrating on the 'property' bit and ignoring the 'land', bit.
A property cannot be considerd sold until full completion which means title deeds exchanged as well.
Without titl/lande deeds you don't own the property/land; whatever.
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Postby Oracle » Mon Aug 25, 2008 10:50 pm

Maynard ...
Priceless reporting from the scene of the "action" :lol:

This is a good laugh to brighten up a dinner party with my Canary Wharf Hedge Fund Manager friends who are otherwise feeling the pinch of the credit crunch :lol:

There's always someone worse off IMHO :lol:
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Postby Feisty » Mon Aug 25, 2008 11:09 pm

Oracle wrote:How do you think you and your "mate" across? :lol:

I couldn't give a sod how either of us come across on here because you are nothing and never will be. I remember your first post post to Conor on this site.
I think it went along the lines of you calling him selfish scum. You may think that because you have now managed to post without showing your true colours that some of us have forgotten what went before but I haven't.
So much for hearing both sides of a story before making a judgement.
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Postby Oracle » Mon Aug 25, 2008 11:16 pm

He presented himself on this forum, inviting our opinions presumably to "refine" his sites and I offered my opinion (which to date has not changed) ... so he did not like it :roll: .... but it was opinions he was canvassing, otherwise why come on this forum? .... and that's what he got ... so why did he then complain?

Seems to me some people cannot stomach the truth .....IMHO
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Postby Feisty » Mon Aug 25, 2008 11:31 pm

Oracle wrote:He presented himself on this forum, inviting our opinions presumably to "refine" his sites and I offered my opinion (which to date has not changed) ... so he did not like it :roll: .... but it was opinions he was canvassing, otherwise why come on this forum? .... and that's what he got ... so why did he then complain?

Seems to me some people cannot stomach the truth .....IMHO

. You may have come back to the forum after your suspension and apologised for your previous behaviour but you are still the same person underneath, you just hide it now as you admit in your post.
No wonder many decent Cypriots are ashamed of you.
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Postby Oracle » Mon Aug 25, 2008 11:51 pm

Feisty wrote:
Oracle wrote:He presented himself on this forum, inviting our opinions presumably to "refine" his sites and I offered my opinion (which to date has not changed) ... so he did not like it :roll: .... but it was opinions he was canvassing, otherwise why come on this forum? .... and that's what he got ... so why did he then complain?

Seems to me some people cannot stomach the truth .....IMHO

The truth of the matter is that you are a foul mouthed ignorant madam as you have proved on many occasions. You may have come back to the forum after your suspension and apologised for your previous behaviour but you are still the same person underneath, you just hide it now as you admit in your post.
No wonder many decent Cypriots are ashamed of you.

Your personal abuses mean nothing to me, coming from someone like you!. By your own admission, you are only investing in Cyprus for Capital Gains Tax Free Profits, according to your posts ..... and you will clearly say and do anything to protect your investments IMHO

I apologised for my behaviour to Admin, because I was desperate to avoid GR! being suspended and was out of order! ... as I knew he would never come back (proven) ... so I stuck my neck out for a worthwhile forumer.

My return was not subject to pussy-footing for you although I suspect you are one of the Brits that is shouting "off with her head" to have me permanently banned!

Why are you still here if it pisses you off so much for me to post in my way ... without having to satisfy you? Dictatorial fascist!
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Postby Feisty » Tue Aug 26, 2008 12:05 am

It in no way bothers me however you post. You have proved what sort of person you are many times over. I couldn't care less.
You can suspect all you like but I haven't said one single word to admin as regards you. I couldn't care less what happens to you.
I find you a very sad individual who spouts hatred on a forum of internet anonymous personnas. I occasionally put you right when you spout rubbish and lots of times just can't be bothered wasting my energy and rather put it to use where it can do some good.
To wind you up and set you off just like a predictable clockwork toy all anyone has to do is mention anything faintly Turkish. Sometimes that's amusing sport to watch and other times it's pathetic.
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