purdey wrote:It could work again. It may also provide some new blood to their flagging sporting prowess on the International stage.

BC Numismatics wrote:Why bother wasting money to keep these pieces of subhumanity alive? Here in New Zealand,it costs NZ$52,000 a year to keep one of these subhumans in prison (which are like holiday camps with bars).That is $52,000 that is better off being spent on fixing up the hospitals & schools,not thrown away down the pan!
It costs only 20 Cents to put one of these subhumans down - for the price of a bullet!
Those who commit violent crimes are in the same category as those who traffick & peddle drugs (especially to kids) - the subhuman class! The subhuman class is what faggots,lesbians,& 'transsexuals' are in,as they ARE an abomination!
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