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Speed Cameras in Cyprus

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Speed Cameras in Cyprus

Postby psycho » Thu Aug 21, 2008 10:10 am

A new traffic camera system planned for next year will have three times as many as the system that worked two years ago (141 fixed and 8 mobile cameras). The proposal is for 440 fixed and 40 mobile cameras.

The new system is estmated to cost around €27 million, compared to the last system (that was scrapped), which cost €11.5 million.

Is this just another easy way of collecting taxes from motorists?

Will anyone who resides in the North be exempt from paying the fines?
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Postby Raymanoff » Thu Aug 21, 2008 10:16 am

I got 0 points in 11 years of driving... and i beleive this ammount of cameras will force Zypern Driverz to change manners of driving... no offense.
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Postby connor » Thu Aug 21, 2008 10:27 am

Collecting taxes from motorists......Yep and I hope money collected from those fines/taxes will be put to good use.

Am sure that I would curse and complain to all and sundry if I were to get a fine for exceeding the speed limit...however.... If the imposition of these speed camera's encourages people to drive more sensibly and to reduce their speed...thus saving lives and injuries...then I'm all for 'em.

Through the nature of my work back in the UK I witnessed the aftermath of some horrific road accidents...a great many of those accidents were caused by people driving too fast.

If the introduction of these camera's saves lives.....Bring 'em on A.S.A.P.....!!!
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Postby Sotos » Thu Aug 21, 2008 6:30 pm

I don't like it that they put cameras everywhere. Not because that I am afraid for fines but because I don't want Cyprus to become like London and some other places that there is a camera everywhere and you have no privacy!
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Re: Speed Cameras in Cyprus

Postby ttoli » Thu Aug 21, 2008 7:44 pm

psycho wrote:
Will anyone who resides in the North be exempt from paying the fines?
Doubt it very much, when registering my car for the first time, they took photocopy of my UK driving licence and Passport, besides they're sure to nab me next time I tried to cross(unless I switch plates once over the border, now theres a thought!!....;).
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