LENA wrote:kafenes wrote:Georgios Achilleos …..Shooting
Eleni Artymata …..Track & Field
Marcos Baghdatis…..Tennis (did not compete due to injury)
Andreas Cariolou …..Sailing
Gavriella Chatzidamianou …..Sailing
Andri Eleftheriou …..Shooting
Anna Foitidou …..Track & Field
Natallia Hadjiloizou …..Swimming
Kyriakos Ioannou …..Track & Field
Alissa Kallinikou…..Track & Field
Pavlos Kontides …..Sailing
Dimitris Minasidis …..Weightlifting
Elena Mousikou …..Archery
Antonis Nikolaidis …..Shooting
Haris Papadopoulos …..Sailing
Anna Stylianou …..Swimming
Paraskevi Theodorou …..Track & Field
Alexandra Tsisiou …..Track & Field
Proud of every one of them!!!
I agree with that!
I wonder why its a poll since the title is like a straight question to Oracle.
Good question Lena mou!
I see two jokers have said that Cyprus will top the medal table too!

Wonder if China knows that!