Imagine what else exist beyond those borders.

CopperLine wrote:Sotos,
A few facts first : I have not stolen anyone's land, neither GC nor TC, nor anyone elses. Second, I have never made a racist comment re. Greeks or any other group of people. So your opening sentence is wrong in substance and wrong in logic. You will not find a statement from me conveying hate or any other sentiment to Greeks, Turks, Cypriots or anyon else.
So your counter-allegation is empty. Instead of trying to defend the indefensible why not try to crawl out of the gutter and entertain some slightly more humanist thoughts.
Sotos wrote:CopperLine wrote:Sotos,
A few facts first : I have not stolen anyone's land, neither GC nor TC, nor anyone elses. Second, I have never made a racist comment re. Greeks or any other group of people. So your opening sentence is wrong in substance and wrong in logic. You will not find a statement from me conveying hate or any other sentiment to Greeks, Turks, Cypriots or anyon else.
So your counter-allegation is empty. Instead of trying to defend the indefensible why not try to crawl out of the gutter and entertain some slightly more humanist thoughts.
You SUPPORT the stealing of our lands don't you? Don't you support that Greek Cypriots should be ethnically cleansed from north Cyprus so Turks can steal our lands and make north Cyprus Turkish although it belongs mostly to us? That is not just plain racism. That is Nazi racism. You support invasions and ehtnic cleansing so you can harm others and benefit the Turks!
utu wrote:Sotos wrote:CopperLine wrote:Sotos,
A few facts first : I have not stolen anyone's land, neither GC nor TC, nor anyone elses. Second, I have never made a racist comment re. Greeks or any other group of people. So your opening sentence is wrong in substance and wrong in logic. You will not find a statement from me conveying hate or any other sentiment to Greeks, Turks, Cypriots or anyon else.
So your counter-allegation is empty. Instead of trying to defend the indefensible why not try to crawl out of the gutter and entertain some slightly more humanist thoughts.
You SUPPORT the stealing of our lands don't you? Don't you support that Greek Cypriots should be ethnically cleansed from north Cyprus so Turks can steal our lands and make north Cyprus Turkish although it belongs mostly to us? That is not just plain racism. That is Nazi racism. You support invasions and ehtnic cleansing so you can harm others and benefit the Turks!
Sotos, The same charge of land stealing was made by Turks against Greeks in the aftermath of December 1963. Now, I don't know how much of that was actually due to Greeks forcing Turks out, or militant Turks forcing moderate Turks into the enclaves that resulted, but even if only a few Turkish Cypriot properties were forcibly taken over by Greek Cypriots, do you condone it?
You SUPPORT the stealing of our lands don't you? - NO. Don't you support that Greek Cypriots should be ethnically cleansed from north Cyprus NO so Turks can steal our lands NO and make north Cyprus Turkish NO although it belongs mostly to us ? NO That is not just plain racism THEREFORE NO . That is Nazi racism THEREFORE NO. You support invasions NO and ehtnic cleansing NO so you can harm others NO and benefit the Turks! NO
utu wrote:Oracle wrote:I hate bloody Turks ...
..... bloodsucking, warmongering, expansionist Scum of the Earth!
Well, it's plain to see where you stand regarding Turkey and its people, Oracle. No wonder the Turkish Cypriot contributors to this forum despise you. Ethnic hatreds have caused nothing but misery throughout the world. When is it going to stop?
vaughanwilliams wrote:O,
You say that the Turks are "an illegal occupying army"
yet Article Three of The Treaty of Guarantee clearly states:
"In the event of any breach of the provisions of the present Treaty, Greece, the United Kingdom, and Turkey undertake to consult together, with a view to making representations, or taking the necessary steps to ensure observance of those provisions. In so far as common or concerted action may prove impossible, each of the three guaranteeing Powers reserves the right to take action with the sole aim of
re-establishing the state of affairs established by the present Treaty."
As far as I know the state of affairs established by the Treaty have not been re-established and therefore Turkey is within its rights until they are.
Greece the United Kingdom and Turkey, taking note of the undertakings by the Republic of Cyprus embodied in Article 1, recognize and guarantee the independence, territorial integrity and security of the Republic of Cyprus, and also the provisions of the basic articles of its Constitution. They likewise undertake to prohibit, as far as lies within their power, all activity having the object of promoting directly or indirectly either the union of the Republic of Cyprus with any other State, or the partition of the Island.
T_C wrote:Your post should of read..
"I've just found this picture on the net and I need to make up lies in order to display it."
Oracle wrote:utu wrote:Oracle wrote:I hate bloody Turks ...
..... bloodsucking, warmongering, expansionist Scum of the Earth!
Well, it's plain to see where you stand regarding Turkey and its people, Oracle. No wonder the Turkish Cypriot contributors to this forum despise you. Ethnic hatreds have caused nothing but misery throughout the world. When is it going to stop?
There are two main reasons I use this simple interjection.
1.It has served to expose that all TCs (bar Kikapu) view themselves as Turks.
Fine! But they have to accept they are as much a part of the enemy as the troops and Turks from Turkey occupying our island.
It also shows their unfairness in wanting us to remove our Greek connections. Bit hypocritical if they view themselves as Turks, but we cannot maintain our Greek connection.
2. Turkey is attempting to portray itself as European, peaceful and that the occupation in Cyprus is well-regarded.
My interjection reminds everyone that 34 years has not made us accept the Turks on our land as normal, or wanted or desired. They are very much hated as occupiers.
Respect is won, not demanded.
If the Turks want to be loved, they need to remove themselves as an illegal, occupying army from Cyprus, and all those who view themselves as TURKS need to follow them out!
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