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How Many Lesbians,Gays and Straight do we have on his Forum?

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Postby roseandchan » Mon Aug 18, 2008 11:35 pm

good for you t-c personal choice in a democratic world. i'm straight but have lots of gay friends.
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Postby Bubble 'n' squeak » Tue Aug 19, 2008 12:13 am

T_C wrote:GAY!! :D :D :D :D

Why should I hide? :shock: :evil: Just the thought of it makes me mad.
People can think what they want, I couldn't give a shit to be honest. :lol:

TC is the only GAY in the Forum! :D Good for you! :D I'm sure we have more GAY friends on this forum but they're still in the closet! Come out wherever you are! Come on Militades don't be shy!!! :wink: :wink:

(Bi )the way lol i'm straight but have many GAY friends :D :D
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Postby johnny1 » Tue Aug 19, 2008 1:01 am

hey cbbb wat court case wat that then?which mp was it?how come i never heard anything about it :roll:
national guardsmen ay 8)
hey t c...tell me more about urself :D
ok so i think that makes 3 until now :wink:
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Postby CBBB » Tue Aug 19, 2008 7:34 am


The MP was Phidias Paraskeviades and it must be about 20-25 years ago.

It was widely reported in the local papers, but I think it is too long ago to find it any of their online archives.
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Postby miltiades » Tue Aug 19, 2008 9:07 am

Oracle wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Oracle wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Oracle wrote:
humanist wrote:can you talk about homosexuality in Cyprus. I believe homosexuals do not exist in the Island of Venus?

At my village coffee mornings, it did get broached but you could see they felt that to be viewed as "normal" they had to be slightly disparaging ... for me that is regression :roll: .... as I find the concept of homosexuality as normal as heterosexuality ... but then I am a Biologist.

Give people time humanist dear ..... it is their own phobias and denials they are dealing with ...

We are Human first and our bedroom preferences are secondary and ... changeable :wink:

WRONG , We are humans first as you say but we are also civilized , we are no monkeys and bedroom preferences are not simply perfectly ok , otherwise incest , paedophilia , gerontophilia , necrophilia could be categorised as bedroom preferences by those involved in perverted practices.

Obviously for some I dare not miss out the usual clause of ... between consenting adults! :roll:

Those perversions were not under discussion, but homosexuality was. Are you equating homosexuality with those acts you list?

Even so they may just be the acts of Humans that need help. They do not necessarily make someone less than Human ...

I never thought I would have to tell you to piss off !!
What fucking rubbish are you talking about woman , these are fucking perverts that I would gladly wring their perverted necks. What is the matter with you , has the sun got your brains fucked up. Acts of Humans ??? My arse woman !

Let me get this straight .. clear! :roll: .. Are you seriously saying that normal men and women who otherwise prefer to get close to people of the same sex are perverts?

I find that parochial and perverse in itself, Milty.

As I said I have a number of female friends who get it on together; weekends away playing tennis or at health farms etc .... and they are intelligent, have children, professional husbands and they are doyens of respectability.

My male GAY friends tend to be less secure because they have had a harder time ... probably from small-minded individuals like you.

What possible difference could it make to your life? Are they threatening?

I went to an all girls school and through my teens found lesbians/experimentalists annoying, until I learnt to exude "Not Available" signs ..... I can honestly say they do not present an issue for me, and find it unusual to be actually discussing such matters in this way, for this day and age.

O , What Im saying is that the cliche used so often ie " what goes on in someones bedroom is nobodys business " is absolutely inappropriate since perverted sexual , and otherwise acts , include those I mentioned earlier . As a Cypriot of progressing years I also harboured what most of my generation men regarded , an intense dislike of anything other than straight sex. A queer , Ppoushti in Greek , was seen as a despicable low down creature , calling someone a ppoushti was indeed a derogatory insult. As the years went by I begun to accept that gay people had a perfect right to carry on with their lives and having met so many wonderful gay people , mostly in Hospitals where it seems there is a high level of nursing staff that are gay , have admired the kindness and understanding that they are so capable of possessing.
Unlike many people I will always retain some of my old fashion " ideals " and are happy that my son doesnt have a boyfriend and that my daughter shares her life with a man with whom she has provided us with grandchildren.
Homosexuality is perfectly acceptable in today's world , but I will under no circumstances ever accept that homosexuality is perfectly natural since the very existence of the human race has always depended on "androgynous " sex in order to continue the human journey.
Let there be no misunderstanding , gay people are entitled to practice unhindered their sexual preferences , straight people are also entitled to do so , perverts however and more so those involved in the disgusting act of paedophilia , for which apparently there is no cure , then only one humane solution can be applied . Elimination , how is done I dont really care , I despise these perverts so much so that I would participate in a humane elimination process .
Last edited by miltiades on Tue Aug 19, 2008 9:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby speters » Tue Aug 19, 2008 9:08 am

Hi...Are you kinky enough to seduce someones girlfriend into a sexy threesome and moresome?
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Postby conmarios » Tue Aug 19, 2008 9:15 am

kafenes wrote:So far, preety straight.

Hi my friend, so far what do you meen are you still thinking about it.
We are to urgly to be gay so think again. :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink:
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Postby michalis5354 » Tue Aug 19, 2008 9:25 am

Homosexuality dates back to the ancient times. Alexander the Great was known to have such experiences with males. Also in Ancient Greece this experiences were widley adopted.
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Postby miltiades » Tue Aug 19, 2008 9:29 am

Bubble 'n' squeak wrote:
T_C wrote:GAY!! :D :D :D :D

Why should I hide? :shock: :evil: Just the thought of it makes me mad.
People can think what they want, I couldn't give a shit to be honest. :lol:

TC is the only GAY in the Forum! :D Good for you! :D I'm sure we have more GAY friends on this forum but they're still in the closet! Come out wherever you are! Come on Militades don't be shy!!! :wink: :wink:

(Bi )the way lol i'm straight but have many GAY friends :D :D

Only just noticed this open invitation, sorry to disappoint you mate but I'm a man through and through , no deviant behaviour with two or more , no fancy swingers parties , just a plain old fashioned man that gets all his kicks from one woman , and one woman only . I suppose I'm just a lucky guy to have experienced the utmost natural pleasures without ever having anything to complain about or indeed without ever wanting experiments . A bit like drinking a decent wine and loving it you dont mix it with spirits and beers just to see how fucking pissed you can get !!
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Postby Feisty » Tue Aug 19, 2008 9:49 am

All I have to say is, if you haven't tried something you cannot possibly comment on it.

Milt, if you'd never tried wine you might think that alcohol perverted the mind and warped rational thinking and you wouldn't know any difference. To some people of course alcohol still means those things and they don't touch the stuff.
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