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The Miricle of Chateux Lambousa ( lapta )

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The Miricle of Chateux Lambousa ( lapta )

Postby laptachap » Fri Aug 15, 2008 4:59 pm

There once was a bloke he swerved to miss a dog he ended up with various broken bones.......

5 months later he was doing ok but in pain as he hobbled arround on this fine sunny day he went to Chateux Lambousa Saturday Market looking for a c.d cleaner unable to find one he decided to visit the bar on the way he spotted a book stall .....

perusing the said books he noticed one called "HEALING CRYSTALS "

ahhh yes the cynical chap quipped to the lady can you wave one of your crystals over my busted hip as I am in great pain ???

Lady asks what happend ?? story relaid to her !!

At no time did she touch me.... but placed her hand over hip joint where the pain was aprox 4 mins later hip and leg was getting warm !!! after another 2 minutes Lad says ok off you go ..........

Having gone in on crutches I went out able to do squats walk without crutches and totally pain of free.... I even sat in a position that I know gave me pain..... there was none.......

Bahhh hum bug clap trap yes I know. So can you tell me why I WALKED


I have no explanation

6 days later still no pain.
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Postby iceman » Fri Aug 15, 2008 5:29 pm

on your way to the book stall,did you by any chance stop at the bar? :lol: :lol:
Efes beer does have extraordinary healing power. :wink:
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Postby laptachap » Fri Aug 15, 2008 5:42 pm

No It was amazing I was on my way to the bar ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I hear gordon is going to put up his prices due to lambusas's heaing powers....... lol

REALLY AMAZING I am trying to make sence of it ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, BUT AM JUST RELIEVED TO BE PAIN FREE
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