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Greek Cypriot support for Russia

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Greek Cypriot support for Russia

Postby Mr. T » Tue Aug 12, 2008 6:05 pm

Many EU politicians will no doubt not forget the way the ROC deceived the union in the way it gained entry in to the EU.

Now that the GC government is delighting Russia by showing sympathy for its actions in invading Georgia I wonder how this will go down with the majority of EU countries and and particulary politicians who would have wished to have a united show of support against the dangerous actions Russia has taken in its attacks against that independent country.
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Re: Greek Cypriot support for Russia

Postby EPSILON » Tue Aug 12, 2008 6:12 pm

Mr. T wrote:Many EU politicians will no doubt not forget the way the ROC deceived the union in the way it gained entry in to the EU.

Now that the GC government is delighting Russia by showing sympathy for its actions in invading Georgia I wonder how this will go down with the majority of EU countries and and particulary politicians who would have wished to have a united show of support against the dangerous actions Russia has taken in its attacks against that independent country.

At least, Cyprus government is not making the same mistake Greek government made with Milo in Serbia. Is very wrong policy to support a psycholically unstable leader like the one in Georgia.!!!!

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Postby Piratis » Tue Aug 12, 2008 6:17 pm

Only Turks/British (and some other USA puppets) have a problem with Cyprus my friend. Cyprus joined the EU by meeting all the criteria and because another EU member (Greece) wanted Cyprus in. (like UK wanted Poland and some others in). I hope you understand EU is not the UK and it is not ruled by the British.

Each EU country will take its own decisions regarding its stance in the conflict between two non-Eu countries, as it happened in the case of Kosovo, which is part of the sovereign territory of Serbia, but still some EU countries choose to go against that independent and sovereign country and support the separatists.

What I can tell you from now is that Cyprus will not recognize any separate state in Georgia, or anywhere else, unless this is a UN decision.

If other EU countries want to have a united show of support, they should start by supporting Cyprus, an EU member, which is occupied by the non-EU member, Turkey.
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Postby Bananiot » Tue Aug 12, 2008 7:20 pm

Cyprus made a worst mistake than Greece with milo. We actually supported butcher Karadjic and during the height of his atrocities we sent a television crue to Bosnia to report on this glorius leader. Thus, Karadjic was seen on state run tv (RIK) explaining to the bananiots that once he is done with the muslims in Bosnia he would come to Cyprus and sort things out here as well!

Funny how people conveniently forget!
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Postby Oracle » Tue Aug 12, 2008 7:52 pm

Bananiot wrote:Cyprus made a worst mistake than Greece with milo. We actually supported butcher Karadjic and during the height of his atrocities we sent a television crue to Bosnia to report on this glorius leader. Thus, Karadjic was seen on state run tv (RIK) explaining to the bananiots that once he is done with the muslims in Bosnia he would come to Cyprus and sort things out here as well!

Funny how people conveniently forget!

It may be more difficult to know who to support in external conflicts. Far easier to determine who to support in conflicts within/against your own country ... yet you still support the butchers of Turkey against us ...
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Postby Nikitas » Tue Aug 12, 2008 8:06 pm

He is not convicted yet. Let us hear the evidence given in court and see to what extent he dealt with Americans and why and how they turned on him and ditched him.

As to the situation in Ossetia, when did the RoC make a statement of policy? Have not heard of one yet. So how does anyone know if they are for or against the Russian moves?

In Cuba in 1962, the USA "defended the free world" by forcing Russia to remove its arms from an independent nation that happened to be regarded as the USAs backyard? What is different now is that it is happening in the east and the arms provider is the USA. This backyard belongs to Russia.
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Postby Nikitas » Tue Aug 12, 2008 8:12 pm

On another note, Saakarsvili is one of the world's worst diplomats. If this is the caliber of Harvard men then the university does not deserve its No 1 position in the academic charts. The man cannot think properly, he knows fuck all about strategy, has overestimated his strengths, relied on his so called friends to do what? Come fight for him because he sent 2000 soldiers to Iraq? What does he think he is, Israeli?

Most American were worried when they heard of fighting in Georgia because they thought it was in the state between Florida and South Carolina. When they realised where the fighting was their response was to change channels. If the Harvard man could not predict this response shows his intellect and how much he learned about the USA from his stay there. As the Greeks say, silk panties should be worn only by dexterous asses.
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Postby miltiades » Tue Aug 12, 2008 9:09 pm

I thought we , Cypriots , should support those that are influential and naturally powerful too !!
So our support should go to the USA , Russia , Britain , the entire EU AND F..CK THE REST HA !!
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Postby dogfish » Tue Aug 12, 2008 9:14 pm

the yanks seem to think they rule this world with there corrupt foreign politics, fair play to the russians , without them imagine what this world would be like today , with total american influence.
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Postby michalis5354 » Tue Aug 12, 2008 9:37 pm

Russia wants to show to the rest of the world that is there and have a voice. It seems like a show . Dont think that there was a reason to intervene!
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