Nikitas wrote:The TCs unable to survive on the island will leave, and those that stay, dragged down to the level of settlers from Anatolia will be too few to matter. End result will be a totally foreign presence in the north.
And there is yet more to come from Anatolian side...
The wild capitalists and all kind of rich crooks under the disguised profile of "investors" will pour into Cyprus.
They will drag along the cheap and "obedient" workers all the way from Anatolia while the true TCs will either emigrate to EU/UK and elsewhere.
So at the end of the day, there will be two republics on the island:
The Republic of Turkey in north and RoC in the south.
To those who wish to see end of TC by way of economic collapse, I would say:
"Enjoy the company of your new neighbours ".Bankrupting the TCs is not the way out of the impasse.
Exact, at last a "rational" voice as opposed to likes of Oracle and Pantheman.Opening up Famagusta is one way, but the TCs themselves cannot decide on that. I tried to make an estimate of the reconstruction of the town and even doing it as conservatively as I can the figure is 5 billion Euro. A large part of that represents salaries which would go to TC engineers, contractors and labor. Naturally the cost would be born by the owners of the rebuilt properties. And the advantage of the project is that it does not depend on tourism. But I do not see it happening any time soon
pantheman wrote:We should close the crossings, stop them coming over for work, stop paying their pensions and free health care and strangle the bastards. Let Mama Turkey pay the full bills and see just how long they last.
By helping them we deserve everything we get. They don't give a shit about us (living proof, VP,ZAN, SHAH, BIG AL, HALIL, ERIC DAYI, MR....NG,) so why do we even care?
Honestly, leave it to me and they would be out of cyprus in a flash.
Well I have to hand it to ya guys (TCs/TR) you have really turned me. I was all for reconciliation and solutions and what not, but the bitter venon you guys spew everyday on this forum just shows the kind of people I maybe sharing this Island with. Well no thanks. You have done a good job on me and propably others too.
You should consider yourselves lucky I am not the president, then you will have a F problem.
have a nice F day.
Nikitas, I respect you man, but that is the biggest load of bollocks you have ever written here IMHO. Help them? Help them?, ma eisai me ta kalla sou vre? O diavolos pou na tous pari is what I say.
pantheman wrote:We should close the crossings, stop them coming over for work, stop paying their pensions and free health care and strangle the bastards. Let Mama Turkey pay the full bills and see just how long they last.
By helping them we deserve everything we get. They don't give a shit about us (living proof, VP,ZAN, SHAH, BIG AL, HALIL, ERIC DAYI, MR....NG,) so why do we even care?
Honestly, leave it to me and they would be out of cyprus in a flash.
Well I have to hand it to ya guys (TCs/TR) you have really turned me. I was all for reconciliation and solutions and what not, but the bitter venon you guys spew everyday on this forum just shows the kind of people I maybe sharing this Island with. Well no thanks. You have done a good job on me and propably others too.
You should consider yourselves lucky I am not the president, then you will have a F problem.
have a nice F day.
Nikitas, I respect you man, but that is the biggest load of bollocks you have ever written here IMHO. Help them? Help them?, ma eisai me ta kalla sou vre? O diavolos pou na tous pari is what I say.
Nikitas wrote:Cem understands the consequences of TC bankruptcy, Halil and VP like to stick their heads in the sand.
All the equality in the world will not help a bankrupt community. The state dominated economy of the TRNC is a unique example, it is not like Turkey, where the free market is the way they do things. Letting the situation continue harms the TCs. I am surprised that people who clamour for "equality" etc do not see it.
As to the GC posts about letting the TCs go to hell. Just remember that in the event of a solution an impoverished and bankrupt TC community will be a burden on the WHOLE economy. It is a mistake to use the economy as a weapon in this case as it was in 1963.
If we were really clever we would state now that when the town is returned ALL of the Varosha reconstruction would be handled by TC firms, as long as they can PROVE that they are TC owned, and employ only TCs. It would turn Varosha into realisable asset for TCs, and also it is a sure way to bring the standard of living of the two communities to par quickly while excluding foreigners from the economy, focusing on non tourist development and doing so without spoiling land. It is conceivable that the majority of the TC work force could find lucrative work in a project like that.
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