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Repercussions of Russian / Georgian conflict

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Postby miltiades » Wed Aug 13, 2008 8:57 pm

Yes Richard very interesting anti American cobblers !!
"""The United States, the world’s biggest threat to humanity ""
What bullocks mate !!
I suppose Russia along with China should have been left to their own devices and conquer the entire world !!

Long may America continue as the worlds superpower because the alternative does not bear thinking .
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Postby Oracle » Wed Aug 13, 2008 9:23 pm

miltiades wrote:Yes Richard very interesting anti American cobblers !!
"""The United States, the world’s biggest threat to humanity ""
What bullocks mate !!
I suppose Russia along with China should have been left to their own devices and conquer the entire world !!

Long may America continue as the worlds superpower because the alternative does not bear thinking .

Why do you need to cling to a superpower? The alternative without a superpower may just be a bit more peaceful!
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Postby RichardB » Wed Aug 13, 2008 9:32 pm

miltiades wrote:Yes Richard very interesting anti American cobblers !!
"""The United States, the world’s biggest threat to humanity ""
What bullocks mate !!
I suppose Russia along with China should have been left to their own devices and conquer the entire world !!

Long may America continue as the worlds superpower because the alternative does not bear thinking .

You know miltiades you really have a blinkered view of world affairs.

Where you are obviously right and any other persons opinions unless they agree with you are totally insignificant

Such a shame coming from an obviously educated person
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Postby miltiades » Wed Aug 13, 2008 9:39 pm

Oracle wrote:
miltiades wrote:Yes Richard very interesting anti American cobblers !!
"""The United States, the world’s biggest threat to humanity ""
What bullocks mate !!
I suppose Russia along with China should have been left to their own devices and conquer the entire world !!

Long may America continue as the worlds superpower because the alternative does not bear thinking .

Why do you need to cling to a superpower? The alternative without a superpower may just be a bit more peaceful!

O , since the beginning , there has always been a superpower , and always there will be. What we must hope is that the likes of China along with theocratic dictatorships do not ever become the supreme superpowers because your freedom and mine will become non existent.
As for an ultra religious nation ever becoming powerfull enough to dictate then may their god help us all . Non believers in fantacy and fairy tales , such as my self , will no doubt be reluctantly , or rather forcibly separated may I add from their bodies !

Back to Georgia now and things ain't looking that good at all with American humanitarian aid being transported in military aircraft coupled with Ukraine's demands that Russia must first give 10 days notice before entering any of her ports , rather ominous I feel.
The Russians have clearly overplayed their "protector " role , its time they realize that the continued surge into Georgia will not be tolerated by the free world.
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Postby Oracle » Wed Aug 13, 2008 10:45 pm

miltiades wrote:
Oracle wrote:
miltiades wrote:Yes Richard very interesting anti American cobblers !!
"""The United States, the world’s biggest threat to humanity ""
What bullocks mate !!
I suppose Russia along with China should have been left to their own devices and conquer the entire world !!

Long may America continue as the worlds superpower because the alternative does not bear thinking .

Why do you need to cling to a superpower? The alternative without a superpower may just be a bit more peaceful!

O , since the beginning , there has always been a superpower , and always there will be. What we must hope is that the likes of China along with theocratic dictatorships do not ever become the supreme superpowers because your freedom and mine will become non existent.
As for an ultra religious nation ever becoming powerfull enough to dictate then may their god help us all . Non believers in fantacy and fairy tales , such as my self , will no doubt be reluctantly , or rather forcibly separated may I add from their bodies !

Back to Georgia now and things ain't looking that good at all with American humanitarian aid being transported in military aircraft coupled with Ukraine's demands that Russia must first give 10 days notice before entering any of her ports , rather ominous I feel.
The Russians have clearly overplayed their "protector " role , its time they realize that the continued surge into Georgia will not be tolerated by the free world.

So now America is your God ..... your Religion. :roll:

It explains the blind faith you shower upon it, and your irrational, brainwashed personification of the dumb sheep following his shepherd.

The Russians have not been playing a protector role ... but a survival role against the strangling presence of America in Europe.

Your Superpower God has torn the Middle East into pieces, and now it is doing the same to Europe! ... And you applaud whilst the walls come tumbling down!

Why should we stand idly by, whilst America stations missile defense sites in Poland, the Czech Republic, Ukraine and Georgia ... along with the others it has already?

What is it getting ready for that it needs to build this shield against the borders of another of our friendly neighbours, Russia!

If for no other reason it makes those European countries more likely to face retaliations from the many enemies of America spread throughout the world now.

Your God is an Evil God. Your God is a jealous God. Your God will lead us to Armageddon! :roll:
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Postby miltiades » Thu Aug 14, 2008 8:59 am

Sending US forces into Georgia, albeit to deliver humanitarian supplies, represents the most serious military escalation between Washington and Moscow since the end of the Cold War.

Not since British paratroopers came nose to nose with Russian soldiers at Pristina airport in 1999 have the old East-West rivalries resurfaced in such explosive form. Back then, the situation was defused by General Sir Mike Jackson, the British commander, who refused to confront the Russians and “start World War III”.

It is to be hoped that the commanders of the US Navy and Air Force now leading their forces to Georgia will be equipped with the same diplomatic skills. Nevertheless, entering a new war zone is fraught with dangers. The US Navy’s task force will be challenging the Russian naval blockade of Georgia’s ports, while the giant US military cargo planes will be landing close to areas recently bombed by Russian warplanes. The Georgians tried to exploit the move last night by declaring that their ports and airports would be put under US military control, an offer the Pentagon quickly declined.

Everyone concerned is fully aware that this operation has little to do with humanitarian needs. Georgia is not an African country in the grip of a terrible drought. It is a small pro-Western nation at Europe’s fringe that is struggling to recover from a vicious bashing by its giant neighbour. The presence of US airmen and sailors is meant to send a powerful signal to Tbilisi that Washington will stand by its allies, in this case the crumbling Government of President Saakashvili. The US move is also intended to demonstrate to the Kremlin that US forces can and will operate in Russia’s backyard.

The Russian military could continue to make life difficult for Georgia, but President Bush’s warning of other action against Russia will give Vladimir Putin, the Prime Minister, pause for thought. There are already calls to bar Russia from the World Trade Organisation, to expel it from the G8 and even to boycott the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Mr Putin’s pet project. ""
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Postby tranquill » Thu Aug 14, 2008 11:31 pm

Here the news: ... ussia-2647  Israelis supply weapons to Georgia!
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Postby miltiades » Fri Aug 15, 2008 9:02 am

Oracle wrote:
miltiades wrote:
Oracle wrote:
miltiades wrote:Yes Richard very interesting anti American cobblers !!
"""The United States, the world’s biggest threat to humanity ""
What bullocks mate !!
I suppose Russia along with China should have been left to their own devices and conquer the entire world !!

Long may America continue as the worlds superpower because the alternative does not bear thinking .

Why do you need to cling to a superpower? The alternative without a superpower may just be a bit more peaceful!

O , since the beginning , there has always been a superpower , and always there will be. What we must hope is that the likes of China along with theocratic dictatorships do not ever become the supreme superpowers because your freedom and mine will become non existent.
As for an ultra religious nation ever becoming powerfull enough to dictate then may their god help us all . Non believers in fantacy and fairy tales , such as my self , will no doubt be reluctantly , or rather forcibly separated may I add from their bodies !

Back to Georgia now and things ain't looking that good at all with American humanitarian aid being transported in military aircraft coupled with Ukraine's demands that Russia must first give 10 days notice before entering any of her ports , rather ominous I feel.
The Russians have clearly overplayed their "protector " role , its time they realize that the continued surge into Georgia will not be tolerated by the free world.

So now America is your God ..... your Religion. :roll:

It explains the blind faith you shower upon it, and your irrational, brainwashed personification of the dumb sheep following his shepherd.

The Russians have not been playing a protector role ... but a survival role against the strangling presence of America in Europe.

Your Superpower God has torn the Middle East into pieces, and now it is doing the same to Europe! ... And you applaud whilst the walls come tumbling down!

Why should we stand idly by, whilst America stations missile defense sites in Poland, the Czech Republic, Ukraine and Georgia ... along with the others it has already?

What is it getting ready for that it needs to build this shield against the borders of another of our friendly neighbours, Russia!

If for no other reason it makes those European countries more likely to face retaliations from the many enemies of America spread throughout the world now.

Your God is an Evil God. Your God is a jealous God. Your God will lead us to Armageddon! :roll:

O , America is not my God , you know perfectly well that my support of the USA is not unconditional but it is nevertheless strong since America is the worlds most powerful nation instead of either Russia , China , Iran or Turkey . The USA has a constitution that is sacred to the American people and it is considered by the entire universe to be of paramount importance to all freedom loving nations. Let me just remind you of an amendment to this constitution which neither Russia , China , Iran or Turkey possess.
""Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.""
This amendment was considered as the most fundamental issue during the widespread demonstrations against the Vietnam war .

Here is another amendment which again neither China , Russia , Iran or Turkey have.

"""The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."""
Amendment 8 says this :"" Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted."

Unlike in Russia , China , Iran and Turkey.

Just some parts of the constitution of this great nation that I respect and admire and would not wish either in my life time or that of my children and grandchildren China , Russia , Iran or Turkey becoming powers that dictate either to the world at large or to their respective regions.
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Postby Damsi » Fri Aug 15, 2008 12:57 pm

They may have the remnants of a constitution still in place but it's routinely ignored. Russia and China are obviously not role models, for democracy but neither is the US, and that's leaving aside its international adventures.

A National Lawyers Guild Report
on Government Violations of
First Amendment Rights in the United States ... ookWeb.pdf

When the President travels, Secret Service agents visit the venue
in advance and give orders to local law enforcement to establish
free-speech zones. Protesters opposing the President’s policies are
then quarantined in those zones, far from sight of the President
and out of view of the press. When President Bush was in
Pittsburgh on Labor Day in 2002, Bill Neel, a 65-year-old retired
steelworker, held a sign proclaiming, “The Bush family must
surely love the poor, they made so many of us.” 125 Local police
46 The Assault on Free Speech, Public Assembly, and Dissent
who, at the direction of the Secret Service, established a chainlink
fenced “designated free-speech zone” on a baseball field,
arrested Neel after he refused to move on. While anti-Bush
protesters were directed to the free-speech zone, pro-Bush signholders
were allowed to flank the President’s path. At Neel’s trial,
police detective John Ianachione testified that the Secret Service
asked the local police to confine “people that were there making a
statement pretty much against the President and his views” in a
free-speech area.

At a 2001 pro-Bush rally at Legends Field in Tampa, two
grandmothers and another protester were arrested for holding up
small, handwritten protest signs outside the zone. Seven people were
arrested on charges of “obstructing without violence and disorderly
conduct” at a pro-Bush rally at the University of South Florida Sun
Dome after refusing to be penned in a protest zone hundreds of yards
from the Dome.

Activist Brett Bursey was arrested for holding a sign that read “No
War for Oil” when George Bush visited Columbia, South Carolina.
Under orders from the Secret Service, local police set up a freespeech
zone half a mile from where Bush was speaking. Bursey was
standing among a large crowd of people holding pro-Bush signs
when police singled him out and asked him to go to the free-speech
zone. When he refused to comply, he was arrested. When he asked
police officers whether the content of his sign was the reason for his
arrest, they acknowledged that it was. Five months after he was
arrested on the charge of trespassing, the charge was dropped
because South Carolina law prohibits arresting people for trespassing
on public property. The Justice Department then charged Bursey
with violating a rarely enforced federal law involving “entering a
restricted area around the President of the United States.” 126

During antiwar demonstrations in New York City on February 15,
2003, police kept many people off the street by arresting them and
detaining them for extended periods of time, and in many cases
mistreated them as well. Police delayed the release of 215 arrested
demonstrators and held arrestees for up to ten hours on buses with no
heat in temperatures below 20 degrees, without providing access to
medical treatment, bathrooms, food, or water. Some of those arrested
were forced to stand shackled outside the police precinct for hours
without gloves or proper jackets. Attorneys were denied access into
the jails and onto the buses. Some injured activists smeared their
blood on the windows of the buses to signal that they needed medical
attention, but such attention was not provided. Protesters detailed
how police asked them questions about their political beliefs and
pushed them for answers by threatening them with all-night

At the February 15, 2003 antiwar protests in New York City, Guild
legal observers noted, “Demonstrators were often penned in on the
sidewalk, in many cases over a dozen blocks away from the rally
site, and told they would be arrested if they tried to exit.” 158 They
witnessed an incident in which Ann Stauber, who attended the
A National Lawyers Guild Report 59 protest in an electric wheelchair, tried to leave a barricaded pen to use a bathroom. A police officer grabbed the wheelchair’s steering
handle, swinging and breaking it, leaving Ms. Stauber immobilized
in the cold and unable to leave for an hour.159 Legal observers also
noted that “the police used pepper spray and batons on the crowd and
in some cases actually picked up the metal barricades and used them
to push people.”

The rush tactic involves police officers, usually on horseback,
motorcycles, or bicycles, charging and assaulting a group of
demonstrators. At the FTAA demonstrations in Miami on the
morning of November 15, 2003, police used their bicycles to form a
circle and entrap a group of about 50 people for approximately two
hours—a tactic known as flanking.164 Whenever demonstrators asked
whether they were being detained, the police said no. When
A National Lawyers Guild Report 61 demonstrators asked whether they were then free to leave, they were also told no.165 This entrapment prevented the group from joining a
large, nonviolent march through downtown Miami. When the group
finally received permission to walk, the police flanked them, walking
their bikes in lines on all sides of the group. The police used their
bicycles to push demonstrators off the sidewalk and into the street.
After an hour herding the demonstrators in this fashion, the police
formed a line in front of them with their bicycles and proceeded to
shoot them with Tasers. About five people were arrested, and many
more were Tasered. One demonstrator was arrested after being
knocked to the ground when a police officer rammed his bicycle into
the demonstrator’s back.166

Professor that Criticized Bush Added to No-Fly List
Walter F. Murphy, a top constitutional scholar and Professor at Princeton University, recently found out that he was on the Transportation Safety Administration's "no-fly" list.

When inquiring as to why he might be on the list, the clerk asked if he had ever been a part of a peace march, because they "ban a lot of people from flying because of that."

Murphy stated that he had publicly criticized the president, to which the clerk replied with "That will do it."

Murphy is a decorated Marine.

Say goodbye to any form of dissent, no matter how crap the govenrment is

Military Commissions Act empowers US presidents at their discretion to declare US citizens as enemy combatants and subject to detention without charge or due process. Link 1 | Link 2 | Link 3

John Warner Defense Authorization Act allows a president to declare a public emergency and station US military troops anywhere in America as well as take control of state based national guard units without consent of the governor or other local authorities. The law authorizes presidential deployment of US troops to round-up and detain “potential terrorists”, “illegal aliens” and “disorderly” citizenry. Link 1 | Link 2

National Security Presidential Directive 51 (NSPD-51) establishes a new post-disaster plan (with disaster defined as any incident, natural or man-made, resulting in extraordinary mass casualties, damage or disruption) which places the president in charge of all three branches of government. The directive overrides the National Emergencies Act which gives Congress power to determine the duration of a national emergency. Link 1 | Link 2

The Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Act. According to the bill the term `violent radicalization’ means the process of adopting or promoting an extremist belief system for the purpose of facilitating ideologically based violence to advance political, religious, or social change, while the term ‘ideologically-based violence’ means the use, planned use, or threatened use of force or violence by a group or individual to promote the group or individual’s political, religious, or social beliefs.” Link 1 | Link 2 | Link 3
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Postby Piratis » Fri Aug 15, 2008 2:00 pm

Does the greediness of the Georgians who were it seems encouraged by the west or perhaps they thought they could blackmail the west to come to their side, remind you of the recent history of Cyprus?

You mean how the TCs started the intercommunal conflicts against us in order to give the excuse the UK and Turkey to come and "save" them, and in this way deny to us our right for self-determination and steal our lands?

Unfortunately we didn't have any Russia to protect us, and the AngloAmericans were free to do whatever they felt like.

However I am not sure if that is what you meant, since as a good Turkish propagandist you would never say any truths about Turkey and the TCs. But I can't think of any case where the Cypriots would want the AngloAmericans on our lands, since they have always been Turkey's allies. In fact what we wanted (and still want) from them is to piss off from our island.
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