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Repercussions of Russian / Georgian conflict

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Postby Mr. T » Mon Aug 11, 2008 11:40 pm

halil wrote:Federation condemns intervention in S. Ossetia
The Ankara-based Federation of Caucasian Associations has strongly criticized Georgia's military intervention in South Ossetia, saying the Georgian authorities are pursuing a policy of ethnic cleansing in the region.
"As the Federation of Caucasian Associations, we stress that South Ossetia and Abkhazia are not breakaway regions; they are independent republics. Their invasion by Georgia cannot be accepted just as no invasion in the world can. Decisions of independence by the people of these countries cannot be rendered null and void through wars. South Ossetia is currently under invasion by Georgia. Babies are heartlessly being killed there, and innocent mothers, fathers and the elderly are being lynched," the statement read.

It also called on Turkey to recognize the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

"We want Turkey and the rest of the world to recognize these two countries' independence as they did for Kosovo. We call on international democracy and human rights organizations to call for an end to the barbarity in South Ossetia," the statement noted. İstanbul Today's Zaman

If this federation is unaware the South Ossetia is a region of Georgia and NOT independent republics it can not be taken seriously.
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Postby Marz » Tue Aug 12, 2008 7:28 am

who gives a flying f@@K if turkey cares, everybody know they dont,
Turkey is covered to her neck in shit that has to be dealt with at home and your worried for what happening in Georgia, pffft get the F@@k outa here.

The situation in Cyprus is not the same and the way Turkey went about taking Cyprus was all wrong, if youy were smarter you would have done it a different way to keep 18% of the land for good, but now you are trying to fight a losing battle because you made a mistake. So now you go around marketing your butt puppet state asking pepople to recognise you. Soo pathetic.
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Postby Big Al » Tue Aug 12, 2008 8:02 am

Marz wrote:who gives a flying f@@K if turkey cares, everybody know they dont,
Turkey is covered to her neck in shit that has to be dealt with at home and your worried for what happening in Georgia, pffft get the F@@k outa here.

The situation in Cyprus is not the same and the way Turkey went about taking Cyprus was all wrong, if youy were smarter you would have done it a different way to keep 18% of the land for good, but now you are trying to fight a losing battle because you made a mistake. So now you go around marketing your butt puppet state asking pepople to recognise you. Soo pathetic.

You're a genius marz, fuck me dead you are dead set the sharpest tool in the CF shed. Wake up idiot, its the GC's crying not TC's. Image
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Postby halil » Tue Aug 12, 2008 8:28 am

to see the conflict in pictures clik on below link.(Slide show)
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Postby Raymanoff » Tue Aug 12, 2008 8:32 am

shameless bastards...thats in Georgia. Noone dared to go and take photos in Tshinvali... west is worse than communism, and i just realised it.
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Postby Nikitas » Tue Aug 12, 2008 9:00 am

In the west it is worse than communism because it involves the complicity of media such as CNN and Fox who say they are independent and give righteous bullshit about press freedom. Remember the tank that fired a round into a Baghdad hotel, killing the Spanish cameraman and how that was treated by US media? The final word was that the US forces had a right to defend themselves!
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Postby Bananiot » Tue Aug 12, 2008 11:10 am

Any idea what position Turkey, Greece and Cyprus have officially taken on the conflict?
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Postby Mr. T » Tue Aug 12, 2008 11:31 am

Raymanoff wrote:shameless bastards...thats in Georgia. Noone dared to go and take photos in Tshinvali... west is worse than communism, and i just realised it.

You obviously have not seen the news showing a camera crew trying to enter South Ossetia being attacked by a Russian war plane. It missed! Another crew was fired upon by Russian soldiers.

Russia has had an inferiority complex which they think they can resolve ,now that they have vast wealth created by energy, by building up the military and invading Georgia. The Russian leaders currently in power are still following the path of previous discredited leaders. They will not gain by this belligerence.

The world is quite rightly condemning them.
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Postby pantheman » Tue Aug 12, 2008 12:13 pm

[quote="Mr. T"[/quote]

The world is quite rightly condemning them

yes, the world also condemned Turkey on its invasion and maintained occupation of Cyprus, fat lot of good that has made.

Dream on.
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Postby Raymanoff » Tue Aug 12, 2008 12:44 pm

i've seen BBC crew being bombed... they were entering S.O together with Georgian troops. Wouldnt it be more wise to fly to Vladikavkaz and enter South Ossetia without any problems? BBC is a part of this informational propaganda... except a HArdTalk last night, i watched it live... what a piece of entertainment that was. The speaker of Parliament was probably Younger than me :)
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