alexISS wrote:alexISS wrote:DT. wrote:One more for Alexiss, and if he gets this I'll never call him a poushtokalamara again (even if he is one)
Ok, some legitimate questions first.
Is it a single word, as it's written?
What about the τόνος?
and is it really αντελλοσιαστικα and not αντελλοσιαστηκα;
Never mind, does it have anything to do with getting scared? If it's a composite word then the second part (σιάστηκα) could be the Cypriot version of "σκιάχτηκα" which means exactly that. It derives from the word "σκιά" and was originally used to describe the fear horses have of their shadow. Then the first part could be giving emphasis, although I've no idea what it means. So, is it "petrify"?
nice one re kalamaroui...I got scared/startled.