gabaston wrote:
For now ill just say that the average credit card (Visa card) debt is over
seven thousand pounds sterling, and this with relative low interest rates.
The average flat appartment in London is about two hundred thousand pounds, and young people have no chance of buying. Cheapest bus ride 1.2 sterling every journey. Takaway kebab 4 pounds - sit down meal for two (kebab) with wine thirty five pounds sterling
These are just some of the increases you can expect.
Anyway again, i wish you well, and i say good luck to you and Eu.
i dont think the prices in turkey will increase this way because in the Uk they make much more money than in Turkey.
also 200,000 pounds for an apartment in London is nothing! In NY the average apartment costs 1,000,000 US dollars (like 500,000 sterling?) and the average New yorker wage is less than that of a Londener wage.