GorillaGal wrote:Novus wrote:Lol, I am pretty sure the men the city I live in were named after were related to Jim Bowie who the knife is named after.denizaksulu wrote:Novus wrote:We have a saying here among some of us in America, it goes like this: "when seconds count, the police are only minutes away"Nikitas wrote:Kafenio, gambling in plain sight, sounds like Harringay in London, and police, always dignified walking by and doing nothing. Are they on the take too?
An American, asked why he has a license for a concealed carried weapon answers: cause a cop is too heavy on my belt. Response time in most American cities is about 30 minutes. A lot can happen in 30 minutes. So this monopoly of force and limiting citizen's rights to defend themselves is relegated to theory.
Response time for emergency calls or of a violent crime in progress in big cities in America is less than ten minutes, not thirty. This slightly faster response time means nothing to someone if they are dead though.
I am a proponent of allowing permitted concealed or open carry of handguns here where I live in America.
On a lighter note, would you feel safe carrying a 'Bowie' knife?
The pronunciation is the same and is nothing like how David Bowie pronounces his. As a matter of fact his stage name "Bowie" was named after Jim Bowie of the Alamo and the knife fame. Too bad no one told him in time how to say it properly.
Yes, I am allowed to carry a Bowie knife openly here in Bowie, but since I do not know how to fight with a knife, it won't help me much for self defense.
why would you need to fight for self defence? this is america, for the most part, we are civilized!
Hence the strong 'Gun Lobby' as symbolised by Charlton(Holy Moses)Heston