Feisty wrote:Hate is a very strong word and one which I use very rarely.
I hate the man who's ruined my life and I have very very strong feelings of anger towards the police and authority figures in the UK who allow women to be harrassed and even murdered by stalkers and allow it to happen. I am angry that laws are not passed to protect women, and maybe men, against these people.
When I said we'd hate everything I was using the word loosely and maybe meant the Germans. Do all Jews hate all Germans or do they attribute the blame where it lies? I don't know.
Whether I'm a hypocrite or not, or viewed as one on here, really has no relevance. As I've said before, most people on here are anonymous personnas who could be anyone. I'd find it a waste of my energies hating or even disliking them because they, and me, are all nobodies on here. I'd consider myself to have a very empty life if I cared what anyone thought of me on here or if I got so drawn in as to feel I had strong emotions about anyone on here. Other than me, you might all be one mad person with multiple personalities.
Precisely how I feel, which is why I can say what I really feel and it should be no bodies business but my own what kind of person I am in real life.
People should stick to countering posts and not worry about the personality behind the comments.
Particularly sickening are those forumers who insist on trying to find out personal data about me then post it on the forum without permission.
Again assumptions shouldn't be made about some-one's character based on what they choose to respond to. Such as whether they are filled with hate, just because the Cyprus Problem is the main reason for being on this forum, and so the focus is on the enemy.
But it is hard to broach hypocrisy and I am not surprised no one would admit to being one, under any circumstances.