Oracle wrote:denizaksulu wrote:Oracle wrote:denizaksulu wrote:Oracle wrote:denizaksulu wrote:Hatred is a very 'extreme' term. I can get 'angry' at a person without hatred being there. Where there is hatred, you will find love. They go hand in hand as far as I am concerned. One can tell some one because they are angry, not because they hate.
The word 'hatred' should not be thrown around willy nilly.
Ofcourse there are some who are blinded by hatred, Lets not go there.
I dont hate, therefore I can live with myself.
That is utter rubbish.
Hatred has as much right to exist as any other emotion ... no more ... no less .... than any other Human emotion.
Anyone that denies their emotions ... be it love, or hate, is an unhealthy individual and needs to come to terms with all their Human qualities.
There are a number of studies I can refer you to ... but I know from past experience you will fail to comprehend ....
Pretence dear Deniz is what we need to abolish ... not truth, no matter how distasteful you may think it is on the surface.
Its underlying foundations may be the healthiest if not the most surprising of revelations ....
Somehow, I half expected your response. As usual, you rubbish anything unless stated by yourself and your cronies. That is my opinion and I dont give piastre what you think.
Say what you like .. but the reality is that anyone who denies emotions and tries to cover them up like you clearly do ... is a ruddy hypocrite!
I have never stated that I deny my emotions.
I am aware of my own emotions more than you are. I am merely pointing out the difference of behaiviour towards someone you are angry with. You can tell them to get lost because you hate them or because you are angry with them . I thought that I put this in my own simple English but you failed to comprehend even that.
Tell me O, from all our correspondence, do you think I hate you? A simple yes or no will suffice. But the sort of person you are I will not get a straight answer, will I? Or are you going to prove me wrong?
Will it offend you if I said (truthfully) I really do not care what you think of me and my opinions ...
Or any other Turk-TC ....
There are very few people that matter to me... but they matter a lot!