I had another boss who demanded his sales guys to work one hour over everyday (at least) and four hours during the weekends - unpaid!
Oh yeah, forgot that once the company was afraid of going under so they asked us to work 2 hours extra, unpaid, every single day, including the weekends, for about 3 months. The contracters, who were paid about 3-4 times as much (and tended to be reading C++ for morons books) didn't have to bother. In a totally unrelated matter, about half the company (about 40 people) walked out within a couple of months.
Reading this thread it is clear that getting to management positions does not require either intelligence or hard work
Sometimes it does. But good point none the less. Sometimes they give the job to someone who has worked hard for years. Unfortuantly that sometimes doesn't mean they are intelligent. They have just worked harder and longer than anyone else. Directors can also be stupid muppets too. I had a director once who was a very hard worker, and an extremely intelligent programmer, but micromanaged everything and had the people skills of a frightened Kangaroo.

If the morons described here became managers then something is wrong in the selection process
Overall people in higher positions almost always IMO are there because of who they know and not what they know. Luckily most of them have enough marbles (just) to pass off a acceptable enough standard of work once into the position. But it doesn't matter because unless they set the place on fire in front of everyone, then the funny handshake brigade aren't going to kick them out. It's probably something to do with inbreeding. I dunno... Once we had a brilliant manager, and the directors tried loads of ways to kick him out so the inexperienced, half brainless, just out of school son of the MD could take over. Some people are just too thick.