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Anorthosis vs Olympiacos Piraeus: The Clash of the Titans

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Postby Nikitas » Thu Aug 14, 2008 5:54 pm

It is the sea air and the heady scent of orange blossoms, goes right to the old brain.
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Postby DT. » Wed Aug 20, 2008 1:47 pm

iceman wrote:
DT. wrote:
Nikitas wrote:As a neighbor of the Anorthosis club of Famagusta, (my house was in the same block) and former drum player in the Anorthosis band, therefore as a totally impartial observer, I can only say that the result was a foregone conclusion.

:lol: its true that all varoshiotis have a screw loose. I can see it in my wife's family and I'm starting to see it in my son :lol:

does your wife know about this bright discovery of yours? :lol: :lol:

she does and i'm happy to report I can now see a little out of my left eye. :lol:
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