denizaksulu wrote:Oracle wrote:denizaksulu wrote:Oracle wrote:iceman wrote:Oracle wrote:iceman wrote:Oracle
Ayios Epiktitos,is and has been called Catalkoy by the Turks for centuries...It is not a new name..
Get your facts right before commenting.
There is no validity in what the Turks called and call place names in Cyprus.
This is a Cyprus forum and the names assigned to these places are first and foremost Greek and if anyone uses Turkish names they will be rightfully chastised.
Don't be stupid...why should we use the Greek name if there is a Turkish name for the village...
I could understand you if the Turkish name was given after 1974 but this village has been called Catalkoy by TC's for centuries.
As I said there is no validity in assigning Turkish names to places in Cyprus, now or then.
It is a throwback habit to the original invasion and subsequent British rule.
The modern habit is to twin a place with somewhere ... not substitute the original.
(Although in Turkish hands I can see how this could be abused)
Oracle, get back in your hole and sort out your problem with the council and the money you owe them.
Cyprus is burning and you are playing your fucking fiddle. For once in your sordid life put a sock in it. When the land and forest burns, it has no nationality or ethnicity. I apologise to other forumers for my language. Sabir tasi nihayet catladi.I will chastise myself once I have calmed down.
Thank you for your concern, but I have never owed the Council money. They merely want to divide my house into two ... reminds me of some other fascists.![]()
Unlike Turkey though, they accept the illegality of doing this, so you can stop worrying for me, my hole is mended....
Do not use this fire for your political expediency as did tess. Her main interest was in using the Turkish name of a place.
Again resorting to personal abuse merely exemplifies your lack of genuine interest in Cyprus.
Look who's talking. Get a life. People will use a name they will recognise a place with. Tess has used a name which I remembered being used when I lived in Kerina in 1954/56. Riding our bikes to Catalkoy was our weekly trip every Sunday morning. If you dont like it, tough.
Check out the attached map which is dated 1882...also,note that Klepini was called Arab Keuy by TC's