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The Brits' Eye-View of the Cyprus Problem .....

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Sotos » Sat Aug 16, 2008 3:47 pm

If the bases are not important then why they keep them? I think you are very wrong on this. The bases are very important to them. That they don't care about what happened to Cyprus as long as they keep their bases is another story.
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Postby Sotos » Sat Aug 16, 2008 3:48 pm

and welcome to the forum ;)
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Postby koritsi » Sat Aug 16, 2008 3:50 pm

Hi Soto,
I meant that Cyprus is not important in the same way as other countries. Of course, the bases allow access to Iraq, Palestine and all points east. They won't give those up easily.
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Postby Sotos » Sat Aug 16, 2008 4:01 pm

ok but I disagree that it is not strategically important. If it wasn't then UK and Turkey wouldn't go in all this trouble to keep their armies here! I think the reason the media show more about Palestine and Iraq is because there are active conflicts there. If we started a liberation war then I am sure they would show Cyprus in the news all day long.
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Postby Viewpoint » Sat Aug 16, 2008 4:03 pm

Sotos wrote:ok but I disagree that it is not strategically important. If it wasn't then UK and Turkey wouldn't go in all this trouble to keep their armies here! I think the reason the media show more about Palestine and Iraq is because there are active conflicts there. If we started a liberation war then I am sure they would show Cyprus in the news all day long.

I think we all agree there should be no armies on this island if we find a solution.
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Postby koritsi » Sat Aug 16, 2008 5:05 pm

Yes Soto, an active conflict would make the world take notice, but this is not wanted,either.
It would be a good move if the thousands of troops went home. Young soldiers doing national service are never the sort of people you want for a balanced and calm approach to life. They haven't lived enough to have wisdom.
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Postby koritsi » Sat Aug 16, 2008 7:21 pm

Just found this thread on trip advisor but don't post anything political in reply or it will be removed, as it's a holiday site and comments are frequently removed. ... renia.html
This may give an idea of the general attitude.
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Postby Oracle » Sat Aug 16, 2008 8:32 pm

koritsi wrote:Just found this thread on trip advisor but don't post anything political in reply or it will be removed, as it's a holiday site and comments are frequently removed. ... renia.html
This may give an idea of the general attitude.

Hello koritsi

Thank you for your comments, but the forum you posted being "TRNC" based does not give a general picture... but merely one from the type of Brits that are immoral enough to choose to live in an ethnically cleansed, illegally occupied segment of our country ... I see ttoli posts, he "contributes" here also, but I would not say / hope his views are typical of Brits.

Do you post on that forum? ... I know you said you "just found it" ... but you seem to be familiar with what they would delete :wink:

Where do you yourself stay? Do you have a holiday home here?

I know most holidaymakers do not care about the Cyprus Problem, but I was mostly concerned with the views of the Brits that have chosen to reside here. Since it effectively becomes their home, their adopted country, they are the ones I wish to tap into regarding perceptions on the occupied north and its "legitimacy" in their eyes.
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Postby RichardB » Sat Aug 16, 2008 11:22 pm

Well there we go

A Brits eye view of the Cyprus problem!!

There are probably around 200 active members on this Forum

Probably 30% are Brits/expat Brits which equals around 70 persons if we include 2 Brit expats living in the North (VP and roseandchan) who had every right to post their opinions on this topic and 3 others Myself , Rotate and Juliesewell who reside / have resided in the South. Then I would presume from the response to this thread that only a maximum of 5% of the expat community actually give a sh*t about the CyProb

Quiet pathetic in MHO

Regards to all

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Postby koritsi » Sat Aug 16, 2008 11:24 pm

Yassu Oracle,
I only posted there once when someone asked about buying property and I said did they realise that it was an illegal occupation and that title deeds needed to be seen to make sure that the property was legit. So I was being political and the thread was stopped. Since then I only look on the TRNC forum.
I don't live in Cyprus but when on holiday I stay in the house of a friend who also doesn't reside there but spends a lot of time there (outside Paphos) and is very aware of the situation.
I have to say that in 74 I was 23, young, ignorant and self centred. My husband was going to be posted to Akrotiri (he was a pilot in the Air Force) and because of the invasion we couldn't go. I remember being annoyed but didn't think anything about what was actually happening.
I have been going to Greece for years but only to Cyprus since 2004 and so only really aware of the situation since then.
I hope for a resolution but, not being Cypriot, I really don't know what this could be and how it could be achieved.
Sorry not to be more helpful.
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