Spanish_spinne wrote:I'm not a Brit, so I cannot speak for them, but I think that the question you state is mainly a problem of how the "Cyprus problem" is reflected all over the world,
In countries like mine (with no Cypriots at all) people thinks that in fact the North IS PART OF TURKEY!!! I have explained to my friends several times that the occupied area is not a province or something but a "Country without law" not belonging to any other state and not being recognized by anyone, but this is not what you read in our press when (occasionally) news from Cyprus are published.
Spanish_spinne thank you for that enlightening viewpoint from Spain, our fellow EU country.
It is as I feared that the views of the ones who disregard the difficult situation and throw caution to the wind for an easy life to get their cheap Turkish jewellery in the north and have their authentic taste of Turkey in what is the ethnically cleansed and occupied part of our country and describe it as part of Turkey are the real enemies of our struggle.
And they choose to live amongst us .... to have the best of "both" worlds ...