soyer wrote:Kikapu wrote:
I don't remember there ever being any Greek kids in our school, then again, as kids, we did not speak greek at all,
Kikapu wrote:
and what I had the last 8 years would be taken away from me for the reasons I did not know.
Kikapu wrote:
if there was ever an unforgettable moment, has to be the moment, when the Greek soldiers came into the room, where we were all hiding. I would like to think, we were discovered by Cypriot soldiers that wanted to protect us from evil soldiers as not to be remembered like the family in the bath tub, and for this I will forever be greatful for their protection.
Of course Kikapu you were 8 years old innocent small child. Didn't even know Turks and Greeks went different schools, you could not understand reasons for 1963

......poor child.

I wander how you separate evil soldiers from good old Cypriot EOKA. How did you know about they intentions, they were all in similar uniforms, even adults couldn't understand by look, until they open they mouth only then those who could speak adequate Greek separate them from accent. So how did you innocent small child not knowing any Greek lingo manage Kikapu.
You must be right, silly me taken you for seriouse, you are funny

Did you really have a point to make, or are you still trying to hide from your claim of being a prisoner by the EOKA.?? Go ahead and read what it was like in Kücük Kaymakli in those days in 1963, since you have zero idea, and yet you claim to have been from there.
Is this how you mock victims of those who were imprisoned. It's bad enough you stole our stories to make it your own, which I will not let you, just because you are a scum of the earth and your above post proves it. How can you make fun of your own claimed people. If you want to be a PRICK, go and do it somewhere else, but I will not let you make fun of our imprisonment which there were 700 hundred of us, men women, children and babies. I will make you pay very heavy for your warped sense of humour Liar Soyer, and you can count on it.
In line with Oracle's suggestion, help is on the way for you.

Unfortunately for you however, I get to choose what method and how to administrate it to you.
I suggest you get a large tub of VASALINE, because you are going to need it.!
So lets see how your poll is doing.
I was wrong, that you did not get anymore morally corrupted to support you by today. Oh, they are there, and trust me, they are not trying to favour me, but they just think you are a right old
PRICK.! :lol:
So lets see what the count of your POLL is.
We have as of 1655 today, 35,864 Forum Members and you got 3 voting.
35,861 believe I am
NOT lying and
3 does.
Can someone work out the percentage on that number for me please, because it's just too small % for me to figure it out.!
More bad news for you Liar Soyer, because by this time tomorrow, even more Forum Members will be on my side.
I'll let you know every now and then as the numbers change.!
Don't say I didn't warn you Liar Soyer. Here is what I told you, but you are just plain too stupid to understand.
"Be careful what you ask for Liar Soyer, because you will not like the outcome, but go for it will be your "funeral".
Second thoughts, you better get two large tubs of VASALINE.!!
You know something Liar Soyer. If you really had a brain, you would be a very dangerous person. Since you don't, you are only a danger to yourself. You already lost your
BALLS to me, now you are working on losing your
pea size brain as well. I'm going to get arrested for taking advantage of a defenceless mentally deranged person such as yourself Liar Soyer.
God help me....................PLEASE!!