VP from your previous history, i know that your idea of reality is not like mine.
in terms of guesses, i would say you represent about 20% of TC thinking, and Kikapu something more.
Viewpoint wrote:Kikapu wrote:Viewpoint wrote:Kikapu wrote:Viewpoint wrote:Id say only approx 12 people know of your posts on this forum and 11 of those say you are a liar.
Actually VP, all 12 idiots are saying that I lied and not just the 11.!
I'm really getting worried about your comprehension of the written English Language lately VP. Really.!!
Here it is again for you to read it.!
Well, lets see what the poll is saying today.
36,351 intelligent members support Kikapu
12 Idiot members support Liar Soyer
The 12 votes has as much effect as trying to raise the water level in Lake Zurich by pissing into it.!! :lol:
36,351 forum members dont know you exsist let alone the biased lies you spread around. 12 people do and they say you are a liar.
You also believe that the Earth is Flat.!!
Answer this quesion do all 36.000 members know you? just a YES or No will do, I know its asking to much but the fact is they did not vote becuase they do nto know you exsist unlike those that have voted.
DT. wrote:start another one
is kikapu a liar
are soyer and vp liars
Kikapu wrote:DT. wrote:start another one
is kikapu a liar
are soyer and vp liars
No, not really DT, because in a True Democracy, one cannot be "tried" twice for the same "crime", or else it will be a "Double Jeopardy" and Liar Soyer and all the morally corrupted should not be given "another bite at the apple". It is about time they started to learn how True Democracy works, so that they do not make baseless accusations and start crying when their own ill conceived attempts to tarnish the innocent, goes against them, as this poll cleary has done so.!
Poetic Justice at work.!
Kikapu wrote:Viewpoint wrote:Kikapu wrote:Viewpoint wrote:Kikapu wrote:Viewpoint wrote:Id say only approx 12 people know of your posts on this forum and 11 of those say you are a liar.
Actually VP, all 12 idiots are saying that I lied and not just the 11.!
I'm really getting worried about your comprehension of the written English Language lately VP. Really.!!
Here it is again for you to read it.!
Well, lets see what the poll is saying today.
36,351 intelligent members support Kikapu
12 Idiot members support Liar Soyer
The 12 votes has as much effect as trying to raise the water level in Lake Zurich by pissing into it.!! :lol:
36,351 forum members dont know you exsist let alone the biased lies you spread around. 12 people do and they say you are a liar.
You also believe that the Earth is Flat.!!
Answer this quesion do all 36.000 members know you? just a YES or No will do, I know its asking to much but the fact is they did not vote becuase they do nto know you exsist unlike those that have voted.
Your your question is totally irrelevant VP, just as you are a lot of the times, but to answer your question, I would say it doesn't matter how many know me nor is it important, and nor does it makes any difference to the poll your Liar Friend Soyer that you support, along with murderers of innocent protesters, just to let people know where your loyalties lies. You are yet to condemn Liar Soyer and his lies as well as being unable to tell us what was it that I lied about, as if you can anyway. As usual, you are just bitter and full of HOT air. Liar Soyer's poll, the way it was constructed, was to favour his and all the morally corrupted individuals, such as yourself, was to deny ALL the members supporting me from voting, therefore, ALL those who support me, cannot vote, which are 36,000+. But I'm deliberately keeping this thread "alive" to give more members from the 36,000+ to vote against me and in favour of Liar Soyer, and they are not. That should tell you something, that Liar Soyers supporters are minuscule, assuming there are 12 idiot members to begin with, and they are not just "phantom members" that does not exist, but mostly belong to the same person under different names.
This is Poetic Justice on Liar Soyer and his morally corrupted supporters.
Oh how sweet it is.!
Lets see what the Poll says.!
36,412 intelligent forum members support Kikapu.
12 idiot members support Liar Soyer.
It looks like Liar Soyer has peaked at 12 idiot members.!
I knew there are idiots on the forum, but not 12, that are willing to accept lies from Liar Soyer, which makes me believe, that they are mostly "phantom members".!!
Viewpoint wrote:
If you dont vote for any candidate your vote is null and void, 12 people say you are a liar only 1 will forgive you.
Liar Soyer wrote:You not even worth answering for.
halil wrote:KİKABU ,
ne bitmez tükenmez kompleks be gardaşım, be ama ?
my one is bigger than yourone ...........no no no my one is bigger ......
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