Oracle wrote:halil wrote:Oracle wrote:halil wrote:Oracle wrote:halil wrote:I wonder why this British and Turk hater lady so called oracle Lives in England ?
I wonder why this Turkish propaganda tool is so interested in me?
For your information I do not hate the British ... just the Turks ... and anyone who sides with them whether they are GC or Brit .....
BTW ... I don't "live" in England

.... your radar is all wrong ... reset it further east

Than you are living one of the Turkish Cypriots home in Paphos (Gazi BAF ) That's why you are scaring so much from Turkish Cypriots ........
Why are you so interested in where I live halil?
You really are a sick depraved individual so kindly stop hounding me.
No one is living in TC homes, much less me, who would rather live in a tent or a cave then go anywhere near such a thing!
I don't believe it ....definitely you have got TC's land in Gazi BAF .
If you don't have one of them their homes at least you have stolen they are houses stones to build up your garden walls ....
I am not interesting where do you live in UK or İn Cyprus ...few days ago you said you were return to UK ....
get their money , get their social benefits and swear them also try to show us how bad they are ..... devil must be in your heart ..... lady O....
What a funy you are .... all time do antiTurkish or British writings on thr forums not only in CF ..... at others too ..... when i write news from the TC's of the island's called propaganda by you or your CO's ...... what a joke ..... and what a blackmailing ........... who cares ...... just people are

to you my Lady O.........
Halil you had better have some evidence for these accusbecause I am so fed up with your/Bayrak hounding .... which I know is onlyations done to try and
rubbish me because you do not like that I write the truth.
I do not have
any benefits either in the UK or Cyprus. The UK still makes money on having my inventions (the US too). My husband works and I have my own income. I have more money than I need because I live very simply, no fast cars, no hairdressers, cheap food, no going out to fancy places.
I live a simple, cheap, socially-minded existence.
What is more, I do not even know where the hell GAZI BAF is.
If this is your way of finding out exactly where I live so that you can send
your man from Paphos round to sort me out, then you are some sick but dangerous individual and I hope everyone now sees you for what you are.
Don't get excited my lady O..........,
when you were doing such accusations about others it was ok. now i or we have rights to do as well about you and your co's .Don't scare time will come to solve out all the issues .... everything will be on the table one day my lady O............
I am no ones man lady .... i am a individual forum member as you are ....
you are free to write my lady .....i am also free to write my lady .....
you see when you are blowing we don't get upset like you are .... i don't know anybody from Paphos from little jokes ,your legs are mixing .... why ?
why ,sometimes people are playing with you or coming towards to you ?
because you never have respect to others ideas or livings .....
difference between me and you is my lady ..... i have always respect to other nations ...... i have respect for their religion , people and living standards ..... i have respect others flags , i have respect the way they thinks ....doesn't mean if we think different we can not live under the same sky ..... we can live my lady .....
İ don't like spread hate between races ......that's what you do ....İf there is a problem ....people are sit and talk and they find solutions .... i bet to think like this it is not a civilized my for you and for your CO's ...........