Paphitis wrote: Pure unadulterated nonsense boy , you have a lot to learn .
There is more Cypriot in my little finger than there is in your entire Australian born body.
Do you really think so? How do you figure that you are more Cypriot than I?
I love my country and I don't want it to be destroyed by the fanatics for the second time
I love Cyprus as well. And why am I a fanatic? Because I support a total embargo on the "trnc". Does that make me an extremist?
this time I say to hell with the extremists we shall stand and fight our corner which has the RoC the UN and most importantly Mother Europe on our side . Your corner has the discredited extremists with big mouths and no trousers making their usual destructive contributions.
You Mr Plonker called me a traitor , you little squirm how dare you .
As always Miltiades, you arguments are high on symbolism but lack substance. Who do you think you are? Sir Winston Churchill who said the following:
" ...We shall not flag nor fail. We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in France and on the seas and oceans; we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air. We shall defend our island whatever the cost may be; we shall fight on beaches, landing grounds, in fields, in streets and on the hills. We shall never surrender and even if, which I do not for the moment believe, this island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the British Fleet, will carry on the struggle until in God's good time the New World with all its power and might, sets forth to the liberation and rescue of the Old."
At least when Churchill makes such symbolic speeches, people listened which is more than I can say for you "Pappou Krasi".

Me thinks that you have had way too much Krasi already and it is still morning in UK.
As for O enjoying more support amongst G/Cs than I , let us see who supports her !! All the extremists whose only agenda is the destruction of this island not the wise and the diplomats amongst us , including of course the entire government of the RoC. Can you tell us of ONE ONLY government minister that shares your views ??? I doubt it
Now, I do not wish to brag here, but let me just say that I am informed of many developments in Cyprus, at my very hearts content, from very high authority. I will not mention any names here.

So yes, I know what the Cyprus Government is trying to achieve and your ideals just do not have any where near the vision or insight as what they have!! You are just an "ASS LICKING" old man!
Stay in Australia mate , you are more useful to the preservation of the Australian Kangaroo than the preservation of the future generations of Cypriots , amongst them my grandchildren for whose future in a peaceful and united Cyprus I shall do all that I can to promote.
"Strike deep into Turkey " !!!! remember this shit , no shut up and grow up.
Very soon, our opportunity to strike deep into the "trnc" to liberate our lands is fast approaching. Turkey is in severe crisis. Our window of opportunity will soon dawn after the collapse of the current peace talks, when Europe will no longer accept the humiliation of Turkey occupying it's very own territory and gather a coalition force to liberate Cyprus!! The prerequisites are only now starting to fall in place.