Think what you like, but I do not take sides and I live my life for me and my family's benefit - not to please you!!!!!!!
Regardless of what you say, I am not a closet GC basher -- but I cannot stop your opinions even if they are wrong! Keep dreaming mate! Now if had agreed with the previous post I would still be okay! Soooooooooooooooooo good of you to show YOUR TRUE COLOURS mate!
My head is still in its correct position, thanks for your concern.
DEMOLISHING? NICE? Not how many see her! Do you know the meaning of these words? Her attempts to belittle me are mere pathetic schoolyard put downs - but please do not integrate her into your posts - unless - are you O in disguise?
BTW,read your 'buddy's' posts and tell me there is no bias! If the cap fits..................................... (see she is 'using' me yet again on another post!!)
If you read my posts again, I have praised and complimented Cyprus, her people, villages, food etc on numerous occasions.
You should also look in the dictionary for the meaning of 'condescending'